Bone: Out from Boneville Test | Final Test - Medium

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Bone: Out from Boneville Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the hooded one tell Phoney in Chapter six about Fone?
(a) Fone will never make it back to Boneville.
(b) Fone awakened the dragon and so will be killed.
(c) Fone will become the hooded one's servant.
(d) Fone is going to betray Phoney.

2. In chapter four what does Fone say was one of the things that Phoney had done wrong while they were in Boneville?
(a) Put in to have the town renamed after himself.
(b) Build an orphanage on a hazardous waste landfill.
(c) Tried to set himself up as the king.
(d) Do a prisoner work release in the old folks home.

3. What is Phoney griping about in Chapter four while walking to town?
(a) He has lost the trail.
(b) He didn't bring any food.
(c) The lack of decent scenery.
(d) That there isn't a decent bathroom around.

4. What did Phoney have made and then tied it to a statue during his campaign event?
(a) A fifty foot baloon of himself.
(b) A hot air baloon.
(c) A large kite in the shape of himself.
(d) A banner with his slogan.

5. What happens to Fone while he and Thorn are running in Chapter five that slows them down?
(a) He gets tangled in some brush.
(b) He falls into a pond.
(c) He falls into a hole.
(d) He hits his face on a branch.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gran'ma tell Fone to do since she cannot shake the Gitchy Feeling in Chapter four?

2. Who is with the dragon when he shows up to help Fone and Thorn in Chapter five?

3. What does Phoney suddenly notice that is odd while he is walking through the woods in Chapter four?

4. What does Fone say about the spring fair in Chapter four?

5. What does Smiley tell Phoney in Chapter five about money?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Phoney say when Smiley reminds him that he won't be getting money but goods and services?

2. Describe the scene in chapter six when Thorn first arrives back home.

3. What do Smiley and Phoney discuss in chapter five when they are first reunited?

4. In chapter four what does Thorn tell Phoney about the spring fair while they are on the way to the stream?

5. Describe what happens in chapter five after the last of the rat creatures have been scared away from Thorn and Fone by the dragon?

6. In chapter four what does Fone say that Phoney had done that got them kicked out of Boneville?

7. What does the dragon say to the rat creatures when he shows up in chapter five?

8. What happens in chapter five when Fone begins smelling brimstone?

9. What happens when the dragon and Gran'ma come face to face in chapter six?

10. What happens as Fone and Thorn begin running through the forest?

(see the answer keys)

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