Bone: Out from Boneville Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Bone: Out from Boneville Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4, Kingdok.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the rat creatures offer to do when Kingdok arrives in Chapter four?
(a) Lick his fur.
(b) Interpretive dance to show their devotion.
(c) Kill him some fresh meat.
(d) Kiss his feet.

2. Why does Miz 'Possum say she doesn't get out of the house much in Chapter two?
(a) It is just too dreary.
(b) The rat creatures lurking around.
(c) Because of the snow.
(d) Her children.

3. Why is Fone told that he needs to hurry and get out of the valley?
(a) The king doesn't like intruders.
(b) Winter is coming.
(c) The valley is dangerous.
(d) The valley is enchanted.

4. What does Fone say he promised to help Thorn do in Chapter four?
(a) Churn butter.
(b) Make a pie.
(c) Cut firewood.
(d) Load the wagon.

5. What does Thorn say the people in the village bet?
(a) Livestock.
(b) Lumps of gold and other jewels.
(c) Goods and services.
(d) Paper money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the possum children doing when Fone first enters his home in Chapter two?

2. What does Fone tell Ted that Ted looks like when they first meet in Chapter one?

3. What do the possum children tell Fone in regards to Fone's wardrobe in chapter two?

4. What does the dragon tell Fone in chapter three when he pokes his head out of the well?

5. Who does Ted call to defend him from Fone when Ted and Fone first meet?

(see the answer key)

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