Bone: Out from Boneville Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Bone: Out from Boneville Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4, Kingdok.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the possum children doing when Fone first enters his home in Chapter two?
(a) Throwing rocks in the fire.
(b) Swimming in the stew.
(c) Jumping off the table.
(d) Cracking nuts.

2. What does Thorn say the people in the village bet?
(a) Goods and services.
(b) Lumps of gold and other jewels.
(c) Paper money.
(d) Livestock.

3. Who does Ted call to defend him from Fone when Ted and Fone first meet?
(a) Thorn.
(b) The Great Red Dragon.
(c) Ted's friend, a bear.
(d) Ted's big brother.

4. What does Gran'ma tell Fone to do since she cannot shake the Gitchy Feeling in Chapter four?
(a) Take first watch outside.
(b) Sleep in the house.
(c) Find a weapon.
(d) Get the horses ready.

5. After getting to the spring what does Fone say he should have asked the dragon?
(a) Why he is following him.
(b) Where Boneville is.
(c) What dragons eat.
(d) If he had seen Fone's cousins.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Thorn say Gran'ma Ben goes into town each spring to do?

2. How does Fone track the possum children when they leave his house?

3. After following the map for sometime in Chapter one what does Fone begin to believe?

4. What happens that lets Thorn know Gran'ma Ben is home?

5. In chapter four what does Fone say was one of the things that Phoney had done wrong while they were in Boneville?

(see the answer key)

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