Bone in the Throat Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Anthony Bourdain
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bone in the Throat Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Anthony Bourdain
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many rounds does Sally fire into Freddy's head after introducing him to Tommy?

2. How long is the chef told he will have to wait to get on the Methadone program in Chapter 18?

3. What condition(s) do the men have in dealing with Harvey in Chapter 12?

4. How does the chef attempt to get rid of the drugs he has purchased when he realizes he is being chased in Chapter 7?

5. How does Sally feel about the food served at the restaurant where Tommy works?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Charlie Wagons introduced in Chapter 14 and what do he and Danny discuss?

2. How does Sally threaten Harvey in Chapter 2?

3. What questions do Al and Harvey have when they meet in Chapter 17?

4. As Tommy reflects in Chapter 10, what happened the last time he did a favor for Sally?

5. What mistake do the police officers make in Chapter 7 and why?

6. What happens with Tommy and the chef at the restaurant in Chapter 6?

7. How does Harvey respond to the incident with Sally in Chapter 3?

8. Which information is Al lacking in Chapter 16?

9. What favor does Sally ask Tommy for in Chapter 9 and what is Tommy's answer?

10. How does the coroner react to the body found in the Prologue?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In a moment of weakness, Tommy has an affair with Stephanie while Cheryl is out of town.

1) Describe the events leading up to the affair and how Tommy initially tries to reject Stephanie.

2) Explain Tommy's situation at that point in the book, and how much it influenced Tommy's decision to have the affair.

3) Analyze what you think Bourdain was attempting to accomplish by having Tommy show this side of himself, and whether you think he was successful or not.

Essay Topic 2

Bourdain introduces his characters with the background settings to establish the tone of the novel.

1) Describe how Sally Wig is first depicted and what clues are given about his flaws that will lead to his downfall.

2) Explain when, where, and how Tommy is introduced, focusing on why other characters are introduced before him, even though he is the story's central person.

3) Analyze the role of the Dreadnaught Grill and how Bourdain introduces it to complement the characters and almost take on a life of its own.

Essay Topic 3

Since Bourdain is a well known chef, it is not surprising that he would incorporate themes of food and cooking in his book.

1) Describe three references to food that are made throughout Bone in the Throat.

2) Explain the significance of how Charlie is cooking for Tommy when he offers him a chance at escaping in the novel's conclusion.

3) Analyze the role that food has in the important decision that Tommy makes about working with the police.

(see the answer keys)

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