Bone in the Throat Test | Final Test - Easy

Anthony Bourdain
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bone in the Throat Test | Final Test - Easy

Anthony Bourdain
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Harvey in Chapter 38?
(a) A basement.
(b) A hotel.
(c) An abandoned warehouse.
(d) The restaurant.

2. What does Cheryl do when she learns about Tommy and Stephanie's affair?
(a) She hits Tommy.
(b) She laughs.
(c) She cries.
(d) She ignores Tommy.

3. How does Charlie respond to Al's report about the rival mob in Chapter 25?
(a) He is silent.
(b) He is upset.
(c) He laughs.
(d) He cries.

4. Where is Tommy taken to after his meeting with Danny in Chapter 28?
(a) The library.
(b) His apartment.
(c) The movie theater.
(d) The restaurant.

5. What does Al label himself as during his conversation with Charlie?
(a) A district attorney.
(b) A police detective.
(c) A police officer.
(d) An F.B.I. Agent.

6. Where is Harvey at the beginning of Chapter 24?
(a) The beach.
(b) The park.
(c) The police station.
(d) The restaurant.

7. What does Harvey say about the information that the police have in Chapter 38?
(a) They have signed confessions.
(b) They have nothing.
(c) They have tapes.
(d) They have witnesses.

8. How much money does Harvey admit to taking from Sally's rivals in Chapter 32?
(a) Thirty-five thousand.
(b) Thirty thousand.
(c) Twenty-five thousand.
(d) Twenty thousand.

9. According to Danny's attorney in Chapter 39, how many people does the U.S. Attorney need to testify for an indictment?
(a) At least three.
(b) More than one.
(c) One.
(d) None.

10. How many walkouts does the bartender tell Tommy have taken place since the band started playing?
(a) Five.
(b) Eight.
(c) Two.
(d) Three.

11. Where is Harvey leaving at the beginning of Chapter 32?
(a) The bar.
(b) The tanning salon.
(c) The police station.
(d) The bank.

12. How many doses of Methadone has the chef had before Chapter 27?
(a) Two.
(b) None.
(c) Three.
(d) One.

13. Which one of the following is not included in the things that Tommy tells the chef in Chapter 29?
(a) Tommy witnessed Freddy's murder.
(b) The chef's knife was mangled during the murder.
(c) Sally and Skinny are responsible for the murder.
(d) Tommy has spoken to Charlie about Sally.

14. Who does Al talk to after he is finished visiting with Charlie in Chapter 25?
(a) Tommy.
(b) Danny.
(c) Harvey.
(d) The chef.

15. What does Stephanie ask Tommy in Chapter 22?
(a) If he has any money.
(b) If he has seen Harvey.
(c) If he can wait tables for her.
(d) If he is dating Cheryl.

Short Answer Questions

1. How far away from the restaurant is Harvey when he is pulled into Sally's car?

2. When does Al indicate that Tommy is going to crack in Chapter 37?

3. What do Sally and Skinny do once they arrive at a parking lot in Chapter 33?

4. Who suggests the restaurant that Tommy and Al meet at in Chapter 34?

5. How does Sally threaten Harvey at the end of Chapter 32?

(see the answer keys)

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