Bone in the Throat Multiple Choice Test Questions

Anthony Bourdain
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bone in the Throat Multiple Choice Test Questions

Anthony Bourdain
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Prologue, Chapter 1-4

1. What is Tommy's last name in the story?
(a) Paginerio.
(b) Paganelli.
(c) Pagini.
(d) Pagana.

2. How is Tommy related to Sally Wig?
(a) Tommy is Sally's nephew.
(b) Tommy is Sally's half-brother.
(c) Tommy is Sally's cousin.
(d) Tommy is Sally's brother.

3. Where has the victim in the Prologue been shot?
(a) In the stomach.
(b) In the throat.
(c) In the chest.
(d) In the head.

4. What explosive is placed in the mouth of the victim during the crime?
(a) Cherry bombs.
(b) Bottle rockets.
(c) Firecrackers.
(d) M-80s.

5. How does the coroner respond to the murder when the police arrive in the Prologue?
(a) He is not surprised.
(b) He is happy that it took them so long.
(c) He is angry that it took them so long.
(d) He is surprised.

6. What is the response from the police officers to the murder?
(a) They don't joke about it, but they treat it as another homicide.
(b) They joke about it, but they treat it as another homicide.
(c) They joke about it and they do not treat it as another homicide.
(d) They don't joke about it or treat it as another homicide.

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