Bomb Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Steve Sheinkin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bomb Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Steve Sheinkin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Harry Gold travel to deliver the lab information to Soviet spies, according to the author in "Tradecraft"?
(a) Newark.
(b) Philadelphia.
(c) New York.
(d) Jersey City.

2. Who was Semyon Semyonov's KGB colleague that helped work with him to throw off the scent of the FBI, according to the author in "Rapid Rupture"?
(a) Alexander Sachs.
(b) Alexander Feklisov.
(c) Luis Alvarez.
(d) Robert Oppenheimer.

3. What was Poulsson's answer to the pre-arranged security question, "What did you see walking down the Strand in the early hours of January 1, 1941?"
(a) "A beaver on a dam."
(b) "A tank rolling down the street."
(c) "Three pink elephants."
(d) "Two dogs in a boat."

4. When did German forces capture Norway and Denmark during World War II?
(a) May, 1939.
(b) March, 1941.
(c) July, 1940.
(d) April, 1940.

5. What does S.O.E. stand for?
(a) Special Operations Executive.
(b) Selective Operations Establishment.
(c) Secret Operations Entity.
(d) Special Ordinance Elective.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was the Manhattan Project given this code name?

2. When General Groves first met with the Uranium Committee members in Chicago, how much uranium did they tell him it would take to make an atomic bomb?

3. Where did Haukelid's training group go to attend parachute school?

4. Who were the FBI agents at Harry Gold's door in the Prologue to Bomb?

5. What alias did Ruth Werner use in Oxford, England?

Short Essay Questions

1. What led to Franklin Roosevelt’s discovery of German atomic research? Who wrote to the President and what was suggested?

2. What was the name of the mission Haukelid and Poulsson set out on in February of 1943? How did they go about the mission?

3. Who was Lise Meitner and what role did she play in the discovery of nuclear fission?

4. How did Colonel Groves respond when his candidate for the leader of the Manhattan Project did not pass an army physical?

5. How are Robert Oppenheimer’s childhood and education described in “Skinny Superhero”?

6. Who were Zalmond Franklin and Clarence Hiskey and how did they contribute to Soviet espionage?

7. How did Robert Oppenheimer come to learn about Otto Hahn’s work in Germany?

8. Who was chosen to be the scientific leader of the Manhattan Project in 1942? What reservations were expressed regarding this individual?

9. How did the KGB feel about Robert Oppenheimer and his position at the Manhattan Project?

10. Describe Otto Hahn’s experiment in December of 1938. What was discovered in Hahn’s experiment?

(see the answer keys)

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