Bomb Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steve Sheinkin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bomb Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Steve Sheinkin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what date did General Groves first meet Robert Oppenheimer?
(a) October 21, 1939.
(b) September 18, 1942.
(c) October 8, 1942.
(d) June 19, 1942.

2. Who delivered Albert Einstein's letter regarding the potential development of a German atomic bomb to the President of the United States?
(a) Scott Miller.
(b) Robert Oppenheimer.
(c) Luis Alvarez.
(d) Alexander Sachs.

3. Who did Peter Ivanov send to talk to Robert Oppenheimer and feel out his Communist sensibilities at Berkeley?
(a) Alexander Sachs.
(b) Jens Poulsson.
(c) George Eltenton.
(d) Richard Brennan.

4. How did Haukelid injure himself during a training exercise before the special mission he was selected for, according to the author in "International Gangster School"?
(a) He shot himself in the foot.
(b) He broke his arm climbing a fence.
(c) He almost drowned in a river.
(d) He shot himself in the arm.

5. On what date did General Leslie Groves take command of the Manhattan Project?
(a) May 22, 1942.
(b) October 21, 1939.
(c) June 19, 1942.
(d) September 18, 1942.

6. What was Poulsson's answer to the pre-arranged security question, "What did you see walking down the Strand in the early hours of January 1, 1941?"
(a) "A tank rolling down the street."
(b) "A beaver on a dam."
(c) "Two dogs in a boat."
(d) "Three pink elephants."

7. Who informed Colonel Leslie Groves that he was selected for an important assignment in developing the atomic bomb?
(a) General Lewis Strauss.
(b) General Scott Miller.
(c) General Brehon Somervell.
(d) General Richard Brennan.

8. Near what town was the Vemork power plant located?
(a) Haugesund, Norway.
(b) Rjukan, Norway.
(c) Zurich, Switzerland.
(d) Grimstad, Norway.

9. Who convinced Richard Feynman to join in the Los Alamos project?
(a) George Eltenton.
(b) Bob Wilson.
(c) Henry Stimson.
(d) John Wilson.

10. When did Robert Oppenheimer abandon his date in a car, according to the author in "Skinny Superhero"?
(a) February, 1934.
(b) March, 1932.
(c) September, 1933.
(d) July, 1941.

11. Where did Robert Oppenheimer work as a theoretical physicist and professor of physics in the 1930s?
(a) The University of Chicago.
(b) The University of California, Berkeley.
(c) The University of Wisconsin.
(d) Princeton University.

12. How old was Harry Gold when World War II began?
(a) 26.
(b) 32.
(c) 19.
(d) 28.

13. When was Robert Oppenheimer born?
(a) April 22, 1904.
(b) May 22, 1908.
(c) December 11, 1910.
(d) November 1, 1914.

14. When was Ruth Werner sent to Britain to set up a network of informants to the Soviet Union?
(a) 1942.
(b) 1940.
(c) 1939.
(d) 1941.

15. Who informed Robert Oppenheimer about the German chemists finding the uranium could be split, according to the author in "The U Business"?
(a) Derek Curtis-Bennett.
(b) Luis Alvarez.
(c) Richard Brennan.
(d) Scott Miller.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many neutrons are contained in the nucleus of a normal hydrogen atom?

2. Prior to the development of the atomic bomb, where did the largest man-made explosion in history occur?

3. Where did Haukelid's training group go to attend parachute school?

4. Who was the U.S. President in July of 1939?

5. Who was Semyon Semyonov's KGB colleague that helped work with him to throw off the scent of the FBI, according to the author in "Rapid Rupture"?

(see the answer keys)

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