Body and Soul Test | Final Test - Easy

Frank Conroy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Body and Soul Test | Final Test - Easy

Frank Conroy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Lady upset when Claude finds her waiting for him outside his apartment?
(a) Lady had an argument with Claude's mother.
(b) Claude was extremely late getting home from the concert.
(c) Claude missed their date.
(d) Lady's parents fought about her relationship with Claude.

2. What type of college does Lady attend?
(a) Girls.
(b) Business.
(c) Musical conservatory.
(d) Co-educational.

3. How long will Frescobaldi need a temporary accompanist?
(a) Until he finishes his next recording.
(b) One concert.
(c) A full world tour.
(d) A few concert dates.

4. How does Claude get from the train station to the Powers' home?
(a) Vintage car.
(b) Sports car.
(c) Limousine.
(d) Taxi.

5. How many years have passed between the end of Chapter 16 in Part 2 and the beginning of Chapter 17 in Part 3?
(a) Four years.
(b) Three years.
(c) Five years.
(d) Six years.

6. Who coaches Claude after he gets the job as temporary pianist for Aldo Frescobaldi?
(a) Frescobaldi.
(b) Mr. Fredericks.
(c) Lady.
(d) Mr. Weisfeld.

7. Why is dinner at the Powers' home awkward for Claude?
(a) Lady's parents ignore him.
(b) Claude is the center of conversation at the dinner table.
(c) Lady is called away from dinner.
(d) Claude doesn't know about dinner etiquette.

8. How does Lady react when Claude tells her they cannot have children?
(a) She is relieved.
(b) She is devastated.
(c) She is sympathetic.
(d) She is humiliated.

9. What does Lady do when Claude becomes depressed over Mr. Weisfeld's death?
(a) Moves in with her parents until Claude feels better.
(b) Gets a legal separation.
(c) Immediately files for divorce.
(d) Stays by his side until his depression goes away.

10. After Lady serves Claude breakfast in their Manhattan town home, where is Lady going?
(a) To serve as a volunteer tour guide at the Museum of Modern Art.
(b) To assist in a painting class.
(c) To her job teaching art appreciation.
(d) To organize an art auction for charity.

11. Why is the second concert performance unique for Emma?
(a) It is the first time Emma has seen Claude perform.
(b) She has driven people to concerts but has never been in a concert hall.
(c) It is the first time Emma has worn such formal clothing.
(d) She is not used to being treated so respectfully.

12. What does Lady say to comfort Claude when he becomes upset after playing the piano for Lady's friends?
(a) Someday he will make a lot of money for playing.
(b) She always cries when she hears that song.
(c) Her friends know nothing about music.
(d) He saved a dying party.

13. Who do Claude and the maestro meet after the first concert?
(a) Union organizers.
(b) The press.
(c) The mayor.
(d) Record producers.

14. What is Lady Powers' actual first name?
(a) Patricia.
(b) Pamela.
(c) Priscilla.
(d) Penelope.

15. What does Claude learn when he returns a call from Otto Levits?
(a) Aldo Frescobaldi has requested to play with Claude again.
(b) He has been offered a permanent position with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
(c) He has received a recording contract.
(d) Mr. Fredericks has died.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Emma when Claude leaves Mr. Weisfeld's apartment to go to London?

2. Why does Mr. Weisfeld visit Claude in his dressing room before the second concert?

3. How is Senator Barnes related to Lady?

4. Who abuses Catherine when she is a child?

5. Where is the party at which Claude plays the piano for Lady's friends?

(see the answer keys)

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