The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Final Test - Medium

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Final Test - Medium

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has a vision of Chris hanging in the woods?
(a) A psychiatrist the police hire.
(b) Mrs. Creed.
(c) A psychic.
(d) Torey's grandmother.

2. Why does the principal grab Torey?
(a) To keep him from hitting the police officer.
(b) To keep him out of the arrest procedures of Bo.
(c) To keep him from hitting Bo.
(d) To drag him to his office.

3. How does Ali know about all the problems of kids at school?
(a) Because she sneaks around observing them.
(b) Because her mother is the school counselor.
(c) Because her mom sleeps with their fathers.
(d) Because kids just naturally confide in Ali.

4. What is the main thing in Chris's diary that Ali reads further on?
(a) About the many ways Chris considers how to kill himself.
(b) About how Isabella rejects Chris.
(c) About Chris torturing a guy at school.
(d) About Chris and Isabella and one night they spent on the beach.

5. What does Torey feel when he is standing on the rock in the burial ground?
(a) Torey feels suicidal himself.
(b) Torey is certain Chris is dead.
(c) Torey feels regret for not seeing the pain Chris felt, but he knows that Chris is a survivor.
(d) Torey feels as though he is being tricked.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Torey announce to Renee?

2. Who do Torey and Ali sit with at lunch?

3. Who goes into the woods that night to try to find something?

4. Who comes into the cafeteria in the middle of lunch?

5. What happens when Torey starts to climb off the rock.

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Torey, Ali and Bo decide to do about Isabella once they found her name?

2. How do Bo and Ali act the next day at school and how do the kids at school respond? How does Torey feel about their response?

3. What do Ali and Torey discover about Chris and another town?

4. Explain what happened when Torey met with Isabella.

5. What do Torey and Ali tell Mrs. Creed about Christopher?

6. What does Ali tell Torey about some of the kids at school and how did she find out?

7. What does Ali again bring up as to what happened to Chris and what does Torey say about her idea?

8. Where is Torey after he is rescued from the burial grounds and what is he refusing to do? How are the doctors responding to his refusal?

9. What happens when Torey and Ali get on the school bus the morning after being at the police station?

10. What does Mrs. Adams tell Torey about his vision at the rocks?

(see the answer keys)

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