The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what does Torey try to convince his mother?
(a) Mrs. Creed's guilt.
(b) Nothing; Torey is too upset to talk to his mother.
(c) Bo's innocence.
(d) Ali's mother's child abuse.

2. With what part of the conversation is Torey uncomfortable?
(a) The humor the others see in the possibility of Chris's suicide.
(b) The idea that it is funny that Chris may be dead.
(c) The ragging on the boons.
(d) The discussion about Ali's bad reputation.

3. Why does Mrs. Creed come down to the convenience store?
(a) To make the kids feel guilty who did not help with the search for Chris.
(b) To buy cigarettes since her worry about her son made her start smoking again.
(c) To buy everyone cokes to try to get information from them.
(d) Because she was a clerk there.

4. What are the names of Torey's girlfriend and her best friend?
(a) Leandra and Renee.
(b) Sandra and Reese.
(c) Allison and Julie.
(d) Leslie and Ricky.

5. What does Bo do when he hears Ali's mom and boyfriend having sex?
(a) He doesn't hear them.
(b) Wants to know if Ali wants to do the same thing.
(c) Looks interested.
(d) Goes and yells at them.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what reason did Ryan once hit Chris Creed?

2. What do Leandra and Renee think happened to Chris Creed?

3. What is obvious in Chapter 5 about the structure of the school's social groups?

4. Why is Torey irritated at Leandra?

5. About what does Torey confront Alex?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Torey write a document about Chris Creed's disappearance?

2. What does Mrs. Adams ask Torey and Ali about the night and what do they say?

3. What does Leandra suggest about the note?

4. Why does Bo think he will be blamed for killing Chris Creed?

5. What did the Creeds believe about their son?

6. What did Torey do about Alex not showing up for band practice? What did Alex do?

7. What do the Creeds announce in church Sunday?

8. How do Torey's friends act when talking about Chris and how does he feel?

9. What does Chris Creed's note to the principal talk about?

10. What does Leo do when he comes in Torey's room and how does Torey react?

(see the answer keys)

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