The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bo say to Renee to hurt her?
(a) That Leandra told Bo that Renee was stupid.
(b) That Renee is fat.
(c) That Renee's father slept with Ali's mother.
(d) That Ali is the reason everyone passed the algebra test.

2. What does Mrs. Creed reveal about her father?
(a) That he was a mafia boss.
(b) That he was a secret service agent.
(c) That he is about to die over the loss of his grandson.
(d) That her father tortured her as a child.

3. What is Torey refusing to do in the hospital?
(a) Eat.
(b) Talk to his mother.
(c) His homework.
(d) Let Ali come see him.

4. Who accosts Torey on the bus with questions?
(a) Ali and Bo.
(b) The bus driver.
(c) Alex, Ryan and Renee.
(d) No one; they can see he does not want to talk.

5. Who comes into the cafeteria in the middle of lunch?
(a) Chris Creed.
(b) Mrs. Adams.
(c) Chief Bowen, a cop and Mrs. Creed.
(d) The principal and Mrs. Creed.

6. Why does Mrs. Creed believe Chris could not have written a suicide note?
(a) Because he was Catholic and wouldn't consider suicide.
(b) Because he was barely literate.
(c) Because she says he was not unhappy.
(d) Because he was planning to marry Isabella.

7. Why does Ali sleep with guys and what's ironic about it?
(a) She does it to get back at her mom but Ali is really a lesbian.
(b) She does it to hurt her dad who never hears about it.
(c) She says she actually is still a virgin.
(d) She does it to make Bo jealous but Bo does not care.

8. What is Bo going to hide out in the woods?
(a) So Ali will feel sorry for him.
(b) To find Chris's body.
(c) So Torey can have Ali to himself.
(d) So the police cannot find him.

9. How does Ali know about all the problems of kids at school?
(a) Because kids just naturally confide in Ali.
(b) Because her mother is the school counselor.
(c) Because she sneaks around observing them.
(d) Because her mom sleeps with their fathers.

10. Where did Chris and Isabella go?
(a) To a head shop.
(b) To the opera.
(c) To the cemetary.
(d) To a psychic.

11. Who calls Torey and invites him to her place?
(a) Mrs. Creed.
(b) Isabella.
(c) Leandra.
(d) Renee.

12. What news do Ali and Torey learn from Torey's mother?
(a) That the police chief beats Bo up badly and then resigns.
(b) That Chris appears at the jail and so Bo is released.
(c) That Bo hangs himself in jail.
(d) That Torey's mother is going to Florida to help Ali's mother.

13. Why does Torey scream?
(a) Ali and Bo find him and start beating him.
(b) His mother comes running up to him, but she is transparent.
(c) He sees the body that he thinks is Chris Creed burning.
(d) A snake crawls onto his chest.

14. Why are Ali and her brother going to stay at Torey's house for a while?
(a) They ran away from home.
(b) They have been removed from the home by social services.
(c) Their home burned down.
(d) Their mother is going to a drug rehab facility.

15. What does Torey do when he cannot sleep?
(a) Goes into the guest room to read Chris's diary with Ali.
(b) Climbs out the window to go call Mrs. Creed and apologize.
(c) Wakes his mother and tells her about the phone call he made earlier to Mrs. Creed.
(d) Gets up and makes himself and Ali some hot chocolate.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Bo think is wonderful?

2. What does Alex think about what Torey tells him?

3. Who calls Torey while he is in the basement?

4. What does Torey realize about the boons?

5. What does Alex tell Torey about the police chief?

(see the answer keys)

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