The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Bo arrested a second time?
(a) For the phone call Torey makes to Mrs. Creed.
(b) For the fight with Renee.
(c) For assaulting a police officer.
(d) Because he hit the principal.

2. What does Alex think about what Torey tells him?
(a) That Chris is playing a joke on everyone.
(b) That Torey should be in a looney bin.
(c) That Torey is probably right about where Chris is.
(d) That maybe Torey is trying to set it up to find the body and be a hero.

3. What does Torey do in the basement?
(a) Calls Bo surreptitiously.
(b) Picks up his guitar to play it.
(c) Meets with Ali to finish reading Chris's diary.
(d) Takes a nap.

4. What is Torey refusing to do in the hospital?
(a) Let Ali come see him.
(b) Talk to his mother.
(c) Eat.
(d) His homework.

5. What was the fire that Torey saw in the cave?
(a) There was no real fire.
(b) A torch that the Indian lay on the ground.
(c) Two hobos having a campfire.
(d) A phenomenon called immaculate decomposition.

6. What is different about Isabella from what Chris writes in his diary?
(a) She has two children.
(b) She is much older than Chris.
(c) She is wild and not shy at all.
(d) She is married.

7. Why does Ali sleep with guys and what's ironic about it?
(a) She does it to make Bo jealous but Bo does not care.
(b) She says she actually is still a virgin.
(c) She does it to hurt her dad who never hears about it.
(d) She does it to get back at her mom but Ali is really a lesbian.

8. Why will Bo have to stay in jail over the weekend?
(a) Because Mrs. Adams cannot represent a minor.
(b) Because they won't be able to prove he did not write the alleged suicide note from Chris until Monday.
(c) Because his mother wants him to learn a lesson.
(d) Because they could not come up with bail money.

9. Why does Torey scream?
(a) He sees the body that he thinks is Chris Creed burning.
(b) His mother comes running up to him, but she is transparent.
(c) Ali and Bo find him and start beating him.
(d) A snake crawls onto his chest.

10. Why is Ali afraid for Bo?
(a) Because Bo might fall under the three strikes law.
(b) Because of the fight with Renee.
(c) Because Bo is from the boondocks.
(d) Because Bo is a softie underneath all the bluster.

11. Who comes into the cafeteria in the middle of lunch?
(a) Chris Creed.
(b) The principal and Mrs. Creed.
(c) Mrs. Adams.
(d) Chief Bowen, a cop and Mrs. Creed.

12. Why does the principal grab Torey?
(a) To keep him from hitting Bo.
(b) To drag him to his office.
(c) To keep him from hitting the police officer.
(d) To keep him out of the arrest procedures of Bo.

13. What is Bo going to hide out in the woods?
(a) So Ali will feel sorry for him.
(b) So Torey can have Ali to himself.
(c) To find Chris's body.
(d) So the police cannot find him.

14. Where is Torey transfered after the hospital stay?
(a) To his home.
(b) To a children's group home.
(c) To a physical rehab facility.
(d) To a mental health facility.

15. Who do Torey and Ali sit with at lunch?
(a) Ryan.
(b) The boons.
(c) No one.
(d) Renee and Alex.

Short Answer Questions

1. What may demonstrate a change taking place inside Torey?

2. What is Torey's response to Isabella's psychic aunt?

3. What does Torey find in a rock crevice?

4. Why does Mrs. Creed believe Chris could not have written a suicide note?

5. Who accosts Torey on the bus with questions?

(see the answer keys)

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