The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Body of Christopher Creed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Carol Plum-Ucci
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is being interrogated at the police station?
(a) Torey.
(b) Bo.
(c) Ali.
(d) Mrs. Creed.

2. Why was Torey really doing on the computer?
(a) Setting off a computer virus.
(b) Writing an email.
(c) Creating spam.
(d) Erasing his roommate's homework.

3. Where did the disk end up and then who found the disk?
(a) In the back seat of Mrs. Creed's car and no one has found it yet.
(b) In the trash and it was found by a janitor.
(c) In Bo's locker at school and the police found it.
(d) In Torey's locker and Leandra found it.

4. Of whom does Leo remind Torey?
(a) Chris Creed.
(b) Torey's brother.
(c) No one.
(d) Torey's best friend back home.

5. Who comes to Ali's room when her mom and boyfriend are upstairs?
(a) Alex.
(b) Ali's brother.
(c) Bo Richardson.
(d) No one.

6. About what is Bo worried?
(a) That Ali plans to break up with him.
(b) That the police will think he killed Chris Creed.
(c) That Torey will think he's a bad person.
(d) That he will not be prepared for the Algebra test in the morning.

7. What is something Ali tells Torey about Chris Creed?
(a) That his mother always walks into Chris's bedroom without knocking.
(b) That his parents have beaten Chris badly at times.
(c) That Chris has a gun that Ali has seen him load and unload.
(d) That Chris is actually two years younger than the rest of the kids in his grade.

8. What is obvious in Chapter 5 about the structure of the school's social groups?
(a) The boons run the school.
(b) They hang out in cliques.
(c) Everyone is accepting of others.
(d) The wealthy kids are snobs.

9. With what is Torey uncomfortable?
(a) Playing on the baseball team.
(b) Leo's scrutiny.
(c) Having to give speeches in his communications class.
(d) The girl in his math class who seems to like him.

10. How long had it been since Torey and his group of friends had beat up on Chris at the time of Chris's disappearance?
(a) They had never beat up on Chris.
(b) Yesterday.
(c) A few days.
(d) Over a year.

11. What does Ali say Torey and she will have to do immediately if Ali's mom's boyfriend arrives?
(a) Leave.
(b) Take Ali's brothers to the park.
(c) Meet the boyfriend.
(d) Have dinner.

12. Where do Ali and Torey go?
(a) Out a side door of the school.
(b) Into the janitor's closet.
(c) To the school gym.
(d) To the Burger joint across the street.

13. Of what is the word "boon" an abbreviation?
(a) Boondocks.
(b) Boondoggle.
(c) Boonlighting.
(d) Boonies.

14. To whom is Torey writing an email?
(a) No one; he really was playing a computer game.
(b) Alex Healy.
(c) Torey's mother.
(d) Torey's girlfriend back home.

15. With what part of the conversation is Torey uncomfortable?
(a) The humor the others see in the possibility of Chris's suicide.
(b) The discussion about Ali's bad reputation.
(c) The idea that it is funny that Chris may be dead.
(d) The ragging on the boons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who contacts Torey?

2. Why did Torey hit Chris Creed?

3. Why does Mrs. Adams related the story about the father and son?

4. To whom has Torey shown the information contained in the email?

5. About what does Torey confront Alex?

(see the answer keys)

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