Bodega Dreams Test | Final Test - Medium

Ernesto Quinonez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bodega Dreams Test | Final Test - Medium

Ernesto Quinonez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Julio say he does not want to become a lawyer?
(a) He will not make enough money.
(b) He hates lawyers.
(c) He has always wanted to be a doctor.
(d) He has always wanted to be an accountant.

2. What does Sapo do to Mr. Blessington that shocks everyone in the class, including Mr. Blessington?
(a) Shoots him in the leg.
(b) Stabs him in the chest.
(c) Puts him in a headlock until he passes out.
(d) Bites him severely on the neck.

3. Which poet does Mr. Blessington make Julio's class focus on that none of the students seem to like?
(a) Robert Frost.
(b) Richard Mix.
(c) Robert Louis Stevenson.
(d) Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

4. What does Julio tell Blanca he thinks about the Bible?
(a) It is the most sexist book ever written.
(b) It is too expensive.
(c) It is quoted too frequently.
(d) It is too heavy.

5. Where do Vera and Bodega want Julio to go with them when they show up at his apartment in Part IV?
(a) Hell's Kitchen.
(b) Broadway.
(c) Greenwich Village.
(d) Central Park.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Julio realize about the reason the school is naming the auditorium after Vera?

2. What is Nazario's impression of the meeting in Queens as he explains it to Julio in Round 8?

3. Who is the so-called "Fish of Loisaida"?

4. What does Blanca tell Julio about Claudio and Roberto Vega?

5. What does Julio think Vera seems as if she was born to?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Julio think Sapo had something to do with Salazar's death?

2. Why does Julio go to Blanca's church in Part IV?

3. Why does Mr. Tapia tell Sapo to tell the authorities voices in his head told him to attack Mr. Blessington?

4. What happens to Julio's and Blanca's apartment in Part IV, and who is there immediately to help them?

5. What does Vera ask Bodega to teach her that Julio thinks is strange in Part IV?

6. Why is Julio worried Blanca will make a connection between Sapo and Salazar's death?

7. Why does Nazario take Julio to the salsa museum?

8. Why does Sapo bite Mr. Blessington in high school?

9. Why is Blanca suspicious of the new apartment Julio moves them into?

10. Why is Bodega anxious about the way Julio is dressed going to meet Vera?

(see the answer keys)

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