Bodega Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

Ernesto Quinonez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bodega Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

Ernesto Quinonez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Julio hesitate to give Blanca Vera's ring?
(a) There is an inscription to Vera inside the band.
(b) Blanca does not like diamonds.
(c) It is too big for Blanca's taste.
(d) It looks fake to him.

2. Who does Nazario say Bodega will take care of first from the fire?
(a) Pregnant women and one-parent families.
(b) Men.
(c) Children.
(d) Married couples.

3. What do Roberto and Claudio ask Blanca and Julio for?
(a) To borrow money.
(b) For Vera's ring.
(c) To stay with them for a while.
(d) For them to officiate at their wedding.

4. How does Nazario refer to the process of Bodega paying for neighborhood students' college tuition?
(a) The Bodega Program.
(b) The Bodega/Nazario Scholarships.
(c) The Tuition Scholarships.
(d) The Bodega Fantasy.

5. What does Blanca notice that is very unusual about the new building she and Julio have moved into that belongs to Bodega?
(a) It has a door person.
(b) The drug dealers all seem to avoid it.
(c) It has working heat.
(d) It is made all out of concrete.

6. Who does Bodega tell Julio was paying Salazar?
(a) Nazario.
(b) Victoria.
(c) Salerno.
(d) Fischman.

7. What does Bodega wear to his first meeting with Vera in decades?
(a) Golfing clothes.
(b) Shorts and a T-shirt.
(c) A three-piece Italian suit.
(d) A white silk suit.

8. Which bridge do Julio and Nazario take to Queens?
(a) The Triborough Bridge.
(b) The Brooklyn Bridge.
(c) The Breezeway Bridge.
(d) The Verrazano Bridge.

9. What does Bodega want to do right before he sees Vera for the first time?
(a) Paint a mural.
(b) Make a financial deal.
(c) Smoke a joint.
(d) Eat ice cream.

10. What age does Julio tell Blanca is ancient for a Latino woman who is not married?
(a) 30.
(b) 27.
(c) 35.
(d) 40.

11. What kind of pizza does Sapo routinely eat?
(a) Dominos.
(b) Papa John's.
(c) Sal's.
(d) Pizza Hut.

12. Who does Blanca invite for dinner in Part III that she wants Julio to join with?
(a) Vera and Willie Bodega.
(b) Pastor Vasquez and Claudia.
(c) Willie Bodega.
(d) Pastor Vasquez and Sapo.

13. What does Mr. Blessington do to Sapo that angers Sapo in their physical altercation?
(a) Cuts Sapo's hair.
(b) Puts Sapo in a headlock.
(c) Punches Sapo in the face.
(d) Slices Sapo's ear with a knife.

14. What neighborhood does Nazario tell Julio is lost in Round 2, as opposed to Spanish Harlem?
(a) Inwood.
(b) Greenwich Village.
(c) The Rockaways.
(d) Loisaida.

15. Why does Julio say he does not want to become a lawyer?
(a) He hates lawyers.
(b) He has always wanted to be an accountant.
(c) He has always wanted to be a doctor.
(d) He will not make enough money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Julio think to himself that he would never see Christ do?

2. What does Julio hope that Blanca does not do in front of him at church?

3. What kind of car does Bodega have waiting for Vera?

4. What does Julio think Bodega has an unforgettable blend of?

5. What does Nazario tell Julio happens every time someone makes a million dollars?

(see the answer keys)

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