The Blues I'm Playing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Blues I'm Playing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of dresses does Mrs. Ellsworth have her dressmaker come up with?
(a) Ones for the soprano she rejected.
(b) Ones for herself.
(c) Ones that would look good on dark skin.
(d) Ones for Oceola's mother.

2. What time period does "The Blues I'm Playing" take place in?
(a) 1940s.
(b) 1920s.
(c) 1960s.
(d) 1950s.

3. What did Oceola do in the new city?
(a) Play for a church choir.
(b) Become a housewife.
(c) Become a seamstress.
(d) Work in a factory.

4. Who had a band in Oceola's family?
(a) Grandfather.
(b) Mother.
(c) Father.
(d) Stepfather.

5. What is the ethnicity of the person Oceola receives piano lessons from?
(a) German.
(b) English.
(c) Spanish.
(d) French.

6. Where did Oceola and her mother move after the death in their family?
(a) St. Louis.
(b) Houston.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) Boston.

7. What happens to the soprano that Mrs. Ellsworth had a complaint about?
(a) She gives up music.
(b) She is trashed by NY critics.
(c) She becomes popular with NY critics.
(d) She marries and forgots about music.

8. How did Oceola first learn to play piano?
(a) By ear.
(b) Formal lessons.
(c) In school.
(d) Mrs. Ellsworth taught her.

9. What kind of questions does Mrs. Ellsworth ask Oceola?
(a) Very professional questions.
(b) Very personal questions.
(c) Questions about her music only.
(d) Questions about her occupation only.

10. Who else is at the meeting that Oceola has with Mrs. Ellsworth?
(a) Pete.
(b) No one else.
(c) Mr. Hunter.
(d) Oceola's mother.

11. What kind of home does Oceola have?
(a) A small apartment.
(b) A house.
(c) A mansion.
(d) A condominium.

12. What does Oceola's boarder do with his money?
(a) Supports his family.
(b) Saves up for medical school.
(c) Spends it on a piano for Oceola.
(d) Spends it on liquor.

13. Which two characters are introduced first?
(a) Oceola and Pete.
(b) Mr. Hunter and Mrs.Ellsworth.
(c) Oceola and Mrs. Ellsworth.
(d) Oceola and Mr. Hunter.

14. What does Mrs. Ellsworth rely on to choose protegees?
(a) Solely recommendations.
(b) A rating system she invented.
(c) Her practical sense.
(d) Intuition.

15. Why does Oceola share with Mrs. Ellsworth?
(a) She wants to be closer to her.
(b) She wants to put out all the facts.
(c) It is a requirement for her job.
(d) Mrs. Ellsworth requested this.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sets up the appointment for Oceola to meet Mrs. Ellsworth?

2. How did the person who recommends Oceola meet her?

3. What is Mrs. Ellsworth's marital status?

4. What does Mrs. Ellsworth think of Oceola's piano playing during their first meeting?

5. How does Oceola receive Mrs. Ellsworth's help?

(see the answer keys)

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