Blue Surge Test | Final Test - Hard

Rebecca Gilman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blue Surge Test | Final Test - Hard

Rebecca Gilman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Doug's advice for Curt about his crime?

2. Who comes to talk to Curt in Act 2, Scene 6?

3. What has Curt been doing for the last four years of his relationship with Beth?

4. What does Beth say about her feelings for Curt's career choice in Act 2, Scene 3?

5. What does Sandy want from Heather in Act 2, Scene 2?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Act 2, Scene 6, how does Doug encourage Curt?

2. In Act 2, Scene 5, what are Curt's reasons for stealing the money for Sandy?

3. Where does Sandy go to for help before returning to her apartment to find the padlocked door in Act 2, Scene 2? What happens when she gets there?

4. Is there evidence to support Curt holding Beth's middle-class upbringing against her in Act 2, Scene 3?

5. What about Sandy's personality makes her horrified at Curt stealing the money? Use examples from the play to support your answer.

6. Is there evidence in the play to support the idea that Curt's stealing may be related to his past?

7. Is there evidence in the play to support Doug's feeling that Heather might be faking her interest in him?

8. What evidence in the play supports Curt's decision to go after Sandy instead of staying at the apartment and talking with Beth?

9. Is there evidence to support the fact that Curt may be in some trouble after stealing the money?

10. What does Beth tell Curt in Act 2, Scene 3, that he needs to do regarding his childhood? Is there any evidence from the play to support her suggestion?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Prostitution is a key element in the play, and the sexual favors the women offer are frequently described.

1. Does the topic of prostitution make this play controversial? Why?

2. Are the Christian Coalition people right in protesting around the massage parlor in an effort to end prostitution in their community, or should they leave the women alone and allow them to earn a living?

3. Is prostitution something that is prevalent in society today?

Essay Topic 2

There is a lot of foul language throughout the play by both the men and women.

1. Does the language convey appropriate emotion? Would there have been a different way to express that emotion?

2. How does the language affect the controversial element of the play?

3. What does the language show us about the characters' environment?

Essay Topic 3

Beth admits to being jealous of Curt selecting a prostitute to be with even if it is only a farce.

1. What makes Beth jealous in the situation? Use examples from the play to support.

2. Would the play have had the same impact without Beth's jealousy? Why or why not?

3. How does Curt react to Beth's jealousy, and is his reaction appropriate? Use examples from the play to support.

(see the answer keys)

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