Blue Is for Nightmares Test | Final Test - Medium

Laurie Faria Stolarz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blue Is for Nightmares Test | Final Test - Medium

Laurie Faria Stolarz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Veronica believes the stalker's motives are out of _____________.
(a) Jealousy.
(b) Anger.
(c) Loneliness.
(d) Fear.

2. What is Stacey's largest concern while she is talking to Officer Tate?
(a) Amber's innocence.
(b) Drea's whereabouts.
(c) Chad's innocence.
(d) Her legal standing.

3. What did Stacey's Gram always say about spells that didn't work?
(a) It isn't the spell that fails the witch, but the witch that fails the spell.
(b) A successful spell is one done well.
(c) Check your rules and try again.
(d) Perhaps the information is being kept from you now.

4. What does P.J. deny when Stacey goes there?
(a) He and Amber took Drea home.
(b) He has any interest in Amber.
(c) He is jealous about Donovan.
(d) Amber took Drea inside.

5. What does Stacey convince Amber and Drea to do when they come back?
(a) Inform the campus police as to what happened.
(b) Go home to their families until she can sort things out.
(c) Promise Drea will always be guarded.
(d) Promise to have at least two other people with them at all times.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is P.J.'s greatest concern?

2. Drea spends the night with ___________.

3. Whom does Amber find to help?

4. How long does it take for Chad to find Stacey and where is she?

5. What does Drea see in Veronica's jewelry box?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Veronica threaten to do if Drea, Amber, and Stacey don't leave her alone?

2. How does the stalker add weight to his threats where Stacey is concerned?

3. What does P.J. tell Drea and Stacey about Veronica Leeman?

4. What does Stacey dream when she goes to sleep with the question 'Who is after Drea' tucked into her pillow?

5. How do Stacey, Drea and Amber respond when Veronica refuses to participate in the struggle to keep everyone safe from the stalker?

6. What makes Veronica think that the stalker is Drea?

7. Why doesn't Stacey's memory spell work, and what can she do to fix it?

8. How does Drea discover that Stacey wets the bed?

9. Why does Stacey want Chad to leave so badly in the morning?

10. Why does Stacey call the school secretary and pretend to be sick?

(see the answer keys)

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