Blue Is for Nightmares Test | Final Test - Easy

Laurie Faria Stolarz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blue Is for Nightmares Test | Final Test - Easy

Laurie Faria Stolarz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stacey manage to do after talking to her mother?
(a) Sleep without nightmares.
(b) Create a new and more effective candle.
(c) Put her fears into perspective.
(d) Talk to Drea.

2. What gesture does Chad make that upsets Drea even further?
(a) He asks Stacey to help him study.
(b) He kisses her cheek, and then Stacey's.
(c) He pats Stacey's shoulder in a comforting gesture.
(d) He invites Stacey out for dinner.

3. What happens to Chad in Stacey's dream?
(a) He disappears after going for a pee.
(b) He takes her back to his suit.
(c) He finds out that Stacey pees the bed sometimes.
(d) He chases her back to the dorm.

4. What is different about PJ when he shows up?
(a) His hair is cut into a mohawk.
(b) He's dyed his hair blonde.
(c) His hair is now a crewcut.
(d) He's dyed his hair black.

5. Where is Veronica when she is found?
(a) Going through the teachers' desk.
(b) Taking notes from the blackboard.
(c) Sitting at her desk.
(d) Dead on the floor.

6. Veronica thinks the real stalker is ______________.
(a) Drea.
(b) Chad.
(c) Amber.
(d) Stacey.

7. Why doesn't Stacey go with them to the hospital?
(a) She wants to stay behind and investigate further.
(b) She wants to try to sleep for information.
(c) She needs to get Veronica's cheat sheets.
(d) She wants to find Veronica.

8. What does Stacey look for in her scrapbook?
(a) A spell for memory that her great, great Aunt Delia wrote.
(b) A scrap of material from her Gram's curtains.
(c) A piece of paper with Gram's sleeping spell on it.
(d) A photo of Drea and herself.

9. Why does Officer Tate want Stacey to call her parents?
(a) So she can get permission to talk to her.
(b) So they can bail her out.
(c) So they can supply a lawyer.
(d) So they can take her home.

10. What did Stacey's Gram always say about spells that didn't work?
(a) Check your rules and try again.
(b) It isn't the spell that fails the witch, but the witch that fails the spell.
(c) Perhaps the information is being kept from you now.
(d) A successful spell is one done well.

11. Why does Stacey fake a migraine before English?
(a) So that she doens't have to sit next to Chad for an hour and try to pretend that she didn't like what happened the night before.
(b) To get back to the dorm so she can hopefully remember who the stalker in her dream was.
(c) She can't bear the thought that there are others in school who know her secret issue of peeing the bed.
(d) So she doesn't have to face Drea who is still furious with her.

12. What color is the candle Stacey's Gram lights every night before bed?
(a) Yellow.
(b) White.
(c) Red.
(d) Blue.

13. What does Stacey not want to be known for?
(a) Wetting the bed.
(b) Finding Veronica's body.
(c) Having premonitions.
(d) Taking her friend's boyfriend.

14. What is sitting in the middle of Veronica's floor when they break in?
(a) A flash drive.
(b) A pair of pink suitcases.
(c) A gold ring.
(d) A camera.

15. What ingredient does Stacey use to help clarify her dreams?
(a) Rosemary.
(b) Peppermint.
(c) Talcum powder.
(d) Patchouli oil.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Veronica get the item that belongs to Drea?

2. How long did Chad and Drea date?

3. What does Stacey realize a few moments later?

4. What private part of her life does the caller also know?

5. Who gets caught trying to break into Veronica's room?

(see the answer keys)

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