The Blue Hotel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blue Hotel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What remains the constant source of comfort in the story?
(a) The newspaper.
(b) The whiskey.
(c) The stove.
(d) The food.

2. What meal is served at the beginning of Chapter 5?
(a) Breakfast.
(b) Dinner.
(c) Supper.
(d) Lunch.

3. Scully tells the cowboy that it ________________________ to fight the Swede.
(a) Is only natural to want.
(b) Would not solve anything.
(c) Would not be right.
(d) Would solve everything.

4. The Swede is convinced he will be fighting ________________.
(a) All the men.
(b) Scully.
(c) The farmer.
(d) The cowboy.

5. Who serves the meal to the guests?
(a) Scully's daughters.
(b) The Chinese cook.
(c) The barmaid.
(d) Johnnie.

6. What words does Scully hear that disrupts his evening?
(a) "You lying scum!"
(b) "You are cheatin!"
(c) "I'll kill you if you try that again!"
(d) "You cheatin' son of a bitch!"

7. Where does the Swede go to escape the weather?
(a) A church.
(b) A restaurant.
(c) A town hall.
(d) A saloon.

8. Why does Johnnie say he can't go on after he is injured the second time?
(a) He had the wind knocked out of him.
(b) Fighting is no way to settle anything.
(c) The Swede was too heavy for him.
(d) His jaw is broken.

9. Why is it hard to tell what is going on with the fight?
(a) The snow is too deep.
(b) The men are drunk.
(c) It is too dark.
(d) The blizzard blocks the view.

10. Scully and the cowboy describe __________________ .
(a) Their childhoods.
(b) Their mothers.
(c) What they would do to the Swede.
(d) Their first girlfriends.

11. How do Scully's daughters react to the Swede during the meal?
(a) Boisterous.
(b) Shy away in fright.
(c) Flirtatious.
(d) Sullen.

12. Who does the Swede partner with in the evening card game?
(a) The cowboy.
(b) The Easterner.
(c) Johnnie.
(d) An old farmer.

13. What drink does the Swede order?
(a) Scotch.
(b) Coffee.
(c) Gin.
(d) Whiskey.

14. What is the demeanor of the Easterner and the cowboy as the men prepare to go outside?
(a) Boastful.
(b) Confident.
(c) Very nervous.
(d) Silent.

15. How does Scully begin to speak as he gets agitated?
(a) In short bursts.
(b) In an Irish brogue.
(c) In Spanish.
(d) In unintelligible sounds.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Swede stare at blankly from the floor?

2. Which one of the men feels that he is freezing to death?

3. Who jumps in the air when the fight begins?

4. What does Scully do during the card game?

5. The patrons are _________________ and refuse to drink with the Swede.

(see the answer keys)

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