Blue Adept Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blue Adept Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Stile pity the Red Adept at the end of Round Twelve?
(a) Because she has been lied to.
(b) Because she is a victim of circumstance.
(c) Because she is going to be exiled.
(d) Because she does not realize the consequences of her actions.

2. What explanation does Stile give to Lady Blue for why they cannot have children yet at the beginning of Chapter 10?
(a) He cannot die until they have a child, so if she is not yet pregnant when he leaves, he will be safe until he returns.
(b) He needs her help, and it would be too dangerous for her if she were pregnant.
(c) The Prophecy stated that he would not have children until after he completed his quest.
(d) Stile does not have time to start a family, until after he finishes his mission.

3. What injury does Hulk suffer at the end of Chapter 7?
(a) A gunshot.
(b) A broken neck.
(c) A broken leg.
(d) An infected wound.

4. What happens to Hulk and Bluette in Chapter 7?
(a) They are pursued and forced to return to Phaze.
(b) They get married.
(c) They are killed by a mob of angry androids.
(d) They are captured in a trap set for Stile.

5. Why does Stile decide to stop using magic when he is in the Red Adept's castle?
(a) Because he does not want to reveal that his power is not as great as the Red Adept's.
(b) Because his use of magic triggers traps she has set throughout the castle.
(c) Because his use of magic alerts the Red Adept to his location within the castle.
(d) Because he does not want the Red Adept to know the extent of his magical power before the fight.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the winner of Round Seven of the Tourney according to the judges?

2. What does Stile permit Clef to do at the end of Chapter 9?

3. Which Adept does Stile seek out in Chapter 8?

4. What did the former Brown Adept exchange for an amulet from the Red Adept?

5. Why was the competitor Stile lost to participating in the Tourney?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Stile begin to worry about his performance during Round Twelve of the Tourney?

2. What happens when Stile is shot at the end of Chapter 11?

3. What happens when Sheen and Lady Blue meet in Chapter 11?

4. What happens between Stile and the Brown Adept in Chapter 8?

5. What steps do Stile and Lady Blue take to ensure that the prophecy regarding Lady Blue will come true?

6. What happens at the White Demesnes?

7. How does Stile's contest with the Red Adept end?

8. What does Sheen do when she finds out that Stile married Lady Blue, and why?

9. What does Stile realize, about the Oracle's prophecy, during Round Twelve of the Tourney?

10. How does Stile demonstrate how much he cares for Sheen in Chapter 11?

(see the answer keys)

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