The Bloody Chamber Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bloody Chamber Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the young wife say lies naked upon a bed?
(a) The countess
(b) Her mother
(c) The opera singer
(d) Her husband

2. Why could the young wife not sleep?
(a) She was angry at her husband
(b) She was thinking about the room
(c) She had dozed all day
(d) Her stomach was hurting

3. What color are the curtains in the library?
(a) Black
(b) Purple
(c) Red
(d) Green

4. What does the wife say lays in the file?
(a) Her own doom
(b) Love and honor
(c) The key to her sucess
(d) Her husband's heart

5. What does the young wife think when the husband slips off her jacket?
(a) When do we finish
(b) Hurry up
(c) Enough
(d) Finally

6. Who does the wife say her husband is as rich as?
(a) Murdoch
(b) Croesus
(c) The King of England
(d) John Ford

7. What does the young wife miss?
(a) Her mother
(b) Her father loving smile
(c) Her husband's caresses
(d) Her lover in Paris

8. What had the young wife's mother disposed of on her eighteenth birthday?
(a) Her husband
(b) A man-eating tiger
(c) A herd of charging elephants
(d) A man-eating lion

9. What does the young wife say her husband presses her to?
(a) The side of the car
(b) His vicuna breast
(c) His pot belly
(d) The wall of the house

10. What was the name of the Romanian countess?
(a) Lucille
(b) Mara
(c) Carmilla
(d) Helena

11. What gives the young wife pleasure?
(a) She is pregnant
(b) That the maid complimented her beauty
(c) That the piano tuner had looked at the piano
(d) That her husband is back

12. How does the young wife describe her husband's movements?
(a) Like a ballet dance
(b) Coarse and vulgar
(c) Slow like a neandrathal
(d) Robotic

13. Where does the young lady find the hidden spring?
(a) On the floor
(b) Under a shelf
(c) Under the desk
(d) In a little drawer

14. What are the taps in the bathroom made from?
(a) Silver
(b) Gold
(c) Chrome
(d) Copper

15. What does the young wife call the piano tuner?
(a) Honey
(b) My lover
(c) Blind eye
(d) Mr Grey

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the husband say the young wife must not play with?

2. Why does the young wife think the husband has left her for a mistress?

3. What does the young wife say the castle's moat is?

4. How does the young wife describe her husband's flesh?

5. What does the maid bring the young wife for breakfast?

(see the answer keys)

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