Bloody Bones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bloody Bones Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jason tell Anita when he lays down to let Jean-Claude feed on him?
(a) It shouldn't have hurt her so bad.
(b) The neck hurts less.
(c) Anita should have let him go first.
(d) He has more blood to give than Anita.

2. What is Jason doing after Janos has left the room?
(a) Pounding on the door to be let out.
(b) Tearing apart the two female vampires that had been on him.
(c) Scrubing at his skin.
(d) Howling at the moon.

3. What does Jean-Claude say he was born as?
(a) A duke's son.
(b) A rich shipper's son.
(c) An aristocrat.
(d) A French peasant.

4. What does Xavier say that he did when Anita asks him if he gave Bloody Bones the sword or actually helped him kill the teenagers?
(a) He doesn't know what Anita is talking about.
(b) Xavier fed the children to Bloody Bones when he was finished with them.
(c) Does it matter?
(d) Both.

5. Why does Dorcas say that her ancestry imprisoned Bloody Bones?
(a) To make a potion of its blood.
(b) To gain immortality.
(c) To protect himself from the other fey.
(d) To procreate with it.

6. What is wrong with Jason when he arrives on the hilltop in Chapter 37?
(a) A bruise along the length of his face.
(b) A knife wound in the abdomen.
(c) Fang marks on his kneck and a limp.
(d) Broken fingers.

7. What does Serephina offer to let Anita do?
(a) Kill Magnus.
(b) Punish Ivy.
(c) Be the one to save Jeff Quinlan.
(d) Kill Janos.

8. Where does Dorcas say that Bloody Bones is now kept?
(a) In a cave with restless spirits gaurding the entrances.
(b) In a parallel universe.
(c) In a mound of earth and magic.
(d) In a magical box.

9. Why does Stirling say he wanted Bloody Bones free?
(a) The creature is a cousin of his.
(b) Stirling works for Serephina.
(c) The creature offered him power.
(d) The creature offered him all of the Bouvier lands.

10. What happens when Jean-Claude asks for his coffin back?
(a) Ivy brings out an old rusty urn with ashes.
(b) Janos brings out a bag of splinters.
(c) Serephina explains that it has bee shipped to Russia.
(d) Serephina tells him it is payment for his trespassing.

11. What does Anita tell Serephina when she tells Anita that she they will live forever together and that she will be Anita's mother?
(a) That she had a mother, and she died.
(b) That everything dies.
(c) Jeff Quinlan needs a mother too.
(d) She is too old to need a mother.

12. What is Jason told he must do when he agrees to take the place of one of the girls that the vampires were going to hurt?
(a) He must have silver spikes driven into his hands and feet.
(b) He must let them stick needles through his eye lids.
(c) He must lick Janos' feet.
(d) He must have sex with two of the women vampires in front of everyone.

13. Why does Serephina say that she will help Anita find Jeff Quinlan in Chapter 27?
(a) To make amends for the evening's theatrics.
(b) Because Anita is special.
(c) Because Anita was able to slip Serephina's grasp twice in one night.
(d) Because of the relationship she has with Jean-Claude.

14. What do Anita and Larry have in their shirt pockets in Chapter 32 that can help to disrupt fey magic?
(a) Copper.
(b) Salt.
(c) Bay leaves.
(d) Pepper.

15. What does Bloody Bones say that Serephina had promised him?
(a) To be free if he fed her.
(b) A place in her court.
(c) To give him vampire abilities.
(d) To let him kill everyone he wants.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Anita wake up in Chapter 39?

2. What does Jean-Claude say that the handkerchief is at the top of the stairs?

3. What does Anita do when it becomes clean that Jean-Claude cannot defeat Janos?

4. Who steps through the doorway in Chapter 26 after the handkerchief has been shown?

5. What does Anita see on Jean-Claude as he walks past her without his shirt on?

(see the answer keys)

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