Bloodsucking Fiends Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Christopher Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bloodsucking Fiends Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Christopher Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Tommy meet while he is searching the city for a job?
(a) Jody.
(b) An evil, old vampire.
(c) Simon.
(d) The Emperor.

2. Why does Tommy lock himself in the bathroom?
(a) So he can have some peace from Jody.
(b) He is afraid she will turn him into a vampire.
(c) He realized that Jody might have killed the woman at the hotel.
(d) It was an accident.

3. How does Tommy plan to help Simon?
(a) He will teach Simon how to read.
(b) He will teach Simon how to pick up chicks.
(c) Give him a make over.
(d) Tommy will cook Simon dinner.

4. Why do the officers want to question Jody?
(a) Her friends implicated her in a murder.
(b) They are questioning red heads.
(c) They think it is weird she is sleeping during the day.
(d) She is the only motel patron they have not talked with.

5. What do the workers at Safeway get high off of?
(a) Nitrous oxide from whipped cream cans.
(b) Permanent Markers.
(c) Illegal substances.
(d) Their work!

Short Answer Questions

1. As Kurt lays bleeding on the floor, what does Jody decide to do?

2. How does the author describe Kurt?

3. At the hotel, Jody receives a phone call. What did the caller say to Jody?

4. After surveying the homeless man, who attacks Jody?

5. What does the Emperor warn Jody of?

Short Essay Questions

1. As the two begin their date, what does Tommy tell Jody?

2. Why does Tommy choose to run into the bathroom and lock himself inside? How does Jody convince Tommy of her innocence?

3. Why does Jody feel guilty about not telling Tommy she is a vampire?

4. Why does Tommy wish to have sex again, even though he knows he might loose more blood?

5. What are the workers at the Marina Safeway referred to and why?

6. Instead of asking Tommy to sleep with her, what does Jody ask of Tommy?

7. Why does Tommy bring Jody an almanac?

8. Why does Jody break the romantic mood that is building between her and Tommy?

9. Now that Jody has been bitten, how does she feel differently?

10. How does Jody feel when she finds Kurt in bed with another woman?

(see the answer keys)

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