Blood-Burning Moon Test | Final Test - Medium

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Blood-Burning Moon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 43 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Louisa at the end of the story?
(a) At work.
(b) Sitting on her porch.
(c) In the field with Tom.
(d) Caring for Bob.

2. Where does Bob stumble after getting his throat cut?
(a) Louisa's.
(b) Town.
(c) Tom's.
(d) Home.

3. What is Louisa's mood like at the end of "Blood-Burning Moon"?
(a) Elated.
(b) Stunned.
(c) Disinterested.
(d) Angry.

4. According to Bob, why is his dream of a different relationship with Louisa NOT possible?
(a) Because of Louisa's desire to leave town.
(b) Because of his friends and colleagues down south.
(c) Because of Louisa's engagement to Tom.
(d) Because of his parents and friends up north.

5. Why does Bob not believe the gossip about Louisa and Tom?
(a) Because he doesn't believe Louisa would choose a black man instead of him.
(b) Because he doesn't believe any gossip could be true.
(c) Because he doesn't believe Tom would choose Louisa instead of someone else.
(d) Because he doesn't believe Louisa would jeopardize her job.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of relationship does Bob want to have with Louisa that he currently does not?

2. Why does Tom cut Bob's throat?

3. Where is Tom as Chapter 2 opens?

4. How many chapters are in "Blood-Burning Moon"?

5. What do the white people do after seeing Bob with his throat cut?

(see the answer keys)

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