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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. When Nevins and Uhlig arrive at Terry's boat, what do they demand?
2. Who does Terry discover the killer is?
3. How does Terry also ignore the intimacy the two shared?
4. What does she assure Leopold of?
5. Who is James Noone?
Short Essay Questions
1. After seeing Tony, where do Terry and Buddy go?
2. How does Terry figure out who the killer is?
3. What is Terry looking forward to this weekend (In Chapter 22)?
4. Why does Terry refuse to let Graciela take him back home?
5. When Terry goes back to Video GraFX to see Tony, what does he sadly admit to Tony and what is Tony's reaction?
6. Unfortunately for Terry, what is Graciela not ready to do?
7. What happens at the big meeting on Monday morning?
8. What makes Terry feel violated as he processes all of the information concerning the Code Killer?
9. Why is Terry so relucyant to turn himself into the FBI even though he knows he is innocent?
10. When Terry returns to the marina, what does he find?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Because so many people were killed by the Code Killer, grief and coping with loss are two central themes of the novel. Describe how two of the below characters is able to cope with their pain. Next, compare their ways of coping to one another.
- Graciela
- Raymond
- Steve Kang
- Amelia Cordell
Essay Topic 2
Examine why it is difficult for Jaye to put her entire career on the line to stand by Terry?
Discuss whether or not this is because she is a female FBI agent.
How does gender control what Jaye thinks she can and cannot do for a friend?
Essay Topic 3
How are Terry, Graciela and Raymond all bound to each other now?
How does Terry's new hart make him a part of a family, even if he never imagined he could be a part of one?
This section contains 761 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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