Blood Work Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Work Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Buddy picks Terry up, where do the two men go?
(a) Video GraFX.
(b) Back to the house boat.
(c) Jaye's house.
(d) To the FBI office.

2. Buddy found _________ under the hull of Terry's boat.
(a) A bunch of clothes and wigs.
(b) A dead body.
(c) A large sword.
(d) The murder weapon.

3. When Terry goes to see the Kangs, what do they figure out about the killer?
(a) The killer called 911 before the murders.
(b) The killer never wanted to kill Kang.
(c) The killer called 911 at the last minute.
(d) The killer attempted to stalk other people first.

4. Who does Terry call to get his information straight?
(a) He calls his house and Jaye picks up the phone.
(b) Buddy tells him everything he needs to know.
(c) His mother.
(d) He calls Graciela who has heard the news from the television.

5. What does Terry discover about the killer?
(a) The killer wants Terry to discover who he is.
(b) the killer could not stand women.
(c) The killer hates chocolate.
(d) The killer has a very identifiable scar on his hand.

6. What surprises Terry about Graciela's actions the next morning?
(a) Graciela insists that she wants to head into work early.
(b) She wants to get married.
(c) She acts as though the intimacy never existed.
(d) Graciela thanks that she, Terry, and Raymond should all move in together.

7. Why does Terry decide he should apologize to Tony?
(a) For stealing his girlfriend.
(b) For lying about his employment at the FBI.
(c) For treating him badly.
(d) For getting him in danger.

8. Why do they go back to this location?
(a) To get proof that Terry is innocent.
(b) To create a scene that distracts the police.
(c) To pick up the video enhancements.
(d) To save Graciela.

9. What does Dr. Fox feel uncomfortable with doing?
(a) Lying to a colleague.
(b) Letting Terry continue of the case.
(c) Begging for help.
(d) Graciela's ability to take care of Terry.

10. Why is Terry relieved when he is finally able to see Graciela?
(a) He knows he loves her.
(b) She thanks him for all his help.
(c) She wants to make their relationship official.
(d) She never believed that he killed her sister.

11. Why does Dr. Fox reprimand Graciela?
(a) Because Graciela is unable to take care of Terry.
(b) Graciela threatens Dr. Fox.
(c) Graciela is a nurse and should know not to put this type of stress on Terry.
(d) Because she wants to be with Terry.

12. What surprises Terry about Graciela while they try to hack into the blood bank database?
(a) Graciela fails under pressure.
(b) Graciela's calmness and swiftness under pressure.
(c) She is very efficient.
(d) She handles herself in a very unladylike fashion.

13. How do they finally convince Dr. Fox to give them more access to the database?
(a) They tell her that the integrity of the database is now in question.
(b) Terry says he will go on a date with her.
(c) They show her proof that the system is compromised.
(d) They show her proof that Dr. Fox has been selling the information of the databank.

14. What shakes Terry about the Code Killer?
(a) The killer is very smart.
(b) He has followed Terry for some time now.
(c) He will stop at nothing.
(d) He wants Terry to take the fall.

15. Who is James Noone?
(a) The Bay Harbor Butches.
(b) Arrango.
(c) An ex CIA agent.
(d) The Code Killer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Carruthers deny when Terry calls him?

2. How does Terry also ignore the intimacy the two shared?

3. Where do Graciela and Terry decide to go after visiting Clint Neff?

4. At this point in the book, how much of the case does Terry have figured out?

5. While staying at Graciela's house, how does Terry begin to feel?

(see the answer keys)

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