Blood Work Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Work Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 44 - 47.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Terry decide to kill Noone?
(a) Cuts his writs.
(b) Terry shoots Noone, but makes it look like a suicide.
(c) Stabs him.
(d) Hangs him.

2. What did Terry forget about while working on the case today?
(a) That he was hosting dinner for Graciela and Raymond.
(b) To make dinner for his mother who is coming over later.
(c) he said he would go to Buddy's baseball game.
(d) He promised to help Jaye with some evidence.

3. Once he arrives at Graciela's what does she insist?
(a) For Raymond to be nice to Terry.
(b) For them to spend some time alone.
(c) That Terry stay at her house.
(d) For Terry to go home.

4. They print out the list and then begin to look for ____.
(a) Who else received Gloria's organs.
(b) The schedule of other transplants in the past month.
(c) Weird names on the list.
(d) What organs they had transplanted.

5. It does not seem like going to see Clint Neff was a good idea until _________.
(a) All the victims hates chocolate.
(b) They discover that the victims all shared a rare blood type.
(c) They all had brown hair.
(d) All the victims accidentally killed someone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who provides Dr. Fox with a list of surgeon and patient names?

2. After Terry and Jaye arrive at Noone's address, who is the next to show up?

3. What is Graciela interested in as she and Terry talk?

4. Who does Terry call for help concerning the tapes?

5. What does Terry find on the beach?

(see the answer key)

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