Blood Test Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Test Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Nona sent to give birth to Woody?
(a) Mexico.
(b) Canada.
(c) Cuba.
(d) Utah.

2. Who does Alex think Garland Swopes resembled as a young man?
(a) Clark Gable.
(b) Bob Hope.
(c) Elvis Presley.
(d) Jimmy Stewart.

3. What is the name of the street that Alex describes as the main drag in La Vista?
(a) La Vista Boulevard.
(b) Orange Avenue.
(c) Fulton Road.
(d) Main Street.

4. What does Nona offer Alex if he'll just leave her alone?
(a) Money.
(b) Information about theTouch.
(c) Woody.
(d) Sex.

5. Who once called the cherimoya fruit "deliciousness of deliciousness?"
(a) Mark Twain.
(b) Garland Swopes.
(c) Ezra Maimon.
(d) Ernest Hemingway.

6. What does the sign on the gates to the Retreat say?
(a) Enter and Be Refreshed.
(b) The Retreat.
(c) There is no sign.
(d) The Touch.

7. How does Alex describe Matthias' literary preference?
(a) Eclectic.
(b) Strictly intellectual.
(c) Leaning toward mysteries.
(d) Of a spiritual nature.

8. What does Alex say habitual liars often lace their stories with?
(a) Name dropping.
(b) Demitruths.
(c) Good intentions.
(d) Honesty.

9. What kind of car drove away from the crime scene at Alex's home as evidenced by the tire tracks?
(a) Van.
(b) Hot rod.
(c) Sedan.
(d) Truck.

10. What movie star did Alex and Robin see the last time they stayed at the Bel-Air Hotel together?
(a) Bette Davis.
(b) John Goodman.
(c) Joan Crawford.
(d) Julia Roberts.

11. What scientific name did Mr. Swopes use to refer to Nona in his journals?
(a) a. zingiber.
(b) a.s. beautificus.
(c) s. annonette.
(d) n. cheroyam.

12. What does Raoul say oncologists face every day?
(a) Sad families.
(b) Failure.
(c) Victory.
(d) Hospital boards.

13. How long is Alex's drive to La Vista?
(a) Two hours.
(b) Five hours.
(c) Fifteen minutes.
(d) One hour.

14. What fruit does Ezra pick two of and offer one of to Alex when they arrive at his greenhouse?
(a) Apple.
(b) Banana.
(c) Pear.
(d) Fig.

15. Who tore up the room in the Sea Breeze Motel?
(a) Nona.
(b) Woody.
(c) Doug.
(d) Mr. Swope.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of dog does Ezra have?

2. How many gas cans are found in Richard Moody's truck?

3. What does Raoul agree to in order for him to leave La Vista?

4. What does Doug carry into the trailer where Nona is staying?

5. Who is Milo questioning when Alex calls him about Raoul being in jail?

(see the answer keys)

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