Blood Promise Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Promise Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In chapter 2, what does Sydney say her tattoo is made of?

2. In chapter 9, what does Rose tell those gathered at the memorial service Dimitri made her do the night of the Strigoi attack at St. Vlad's?

3. In chapter 2, how does Sydney dispose of the body of Sydney's attacker after Rose kills him?

4. In chapter 7, what does Rose reveal that Dimitri once told her about his grandmother?

5. What is a Strigoi, as described in the prologue?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter 8, Sydney warns Rose about Abe Mazur and later Rose meets Abe. What does Sydney tell Rose about Abe? What is Rose's immediate opinion of Abe?

2. In the prologue, how does Rose tell the reader Dimitri became a Strigoi?

3. In chapter 4, who visits Rose's dreams? For what purpose?

4. In chapter 9, how do the people in Dimitri's village treat Rose during the memorial service? Why does this surprise Rose?

5. In chapter 15, what happens between Rose and Viktoria when Rolan breaks up with Viktoria? For what reason?

6. In chapter 11, what conflict does Rose witness between Lissa and Christian that begins to make her wonder if something might be going on with Lissa that she is not aware of?

7. In chapter 6, what does Rose use in order to defeat Strigoi in an old barn?

8. In chapter 9, what kind of stories does Rose tell the people at the memorial service for Dimitri about Dimitri?

9. In chapter 4, why does Rose avoid touring Moscow even though she admires the architecture and wants to see more of the ancient city?

10. In chapter 6, who comes to Rose's rescue in the aftermath of her fight with the Strigoi? How does she get to the Belikov home in Baia?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss one of the following in an essay, using quotes from the novel to support your conclusions:

1) The revelation that Abe is Rose's father.

2) The package Rose receives from Dimitri and what it implies.

3) Rose's suggestion that she might ask Lissa to help her break Victor Dashkov out of prison and the reason for this.

Essay Topic 2

Who is Abe Mazur? Why has Sydney called Abe? What does Sydney tell Rose about Abe? What did Abe do to save Rose's life after she fought two Strigoi on a remote farm? Why did Abe take Rose to the Belikov home? How does Rose feel about waking in the Belikov home? Why does Rose hesitate to tell the Belikovs who she is and why she has come to Siberia? How does Dimitri's family react when Rose tells them about Dimitri becoming Strigoi? Why do the Moroi and dhampirs consider those turned into Strigoi to be dead?

Essay Topic 3

Why is Rose surprised that she is treated like Dimitri's girlfriend during his memorial service? How is this different from how Rose and Dimitri expected to be treated had their relationship been revealed? How does this make Rose feel? Does this have an impact on Rose's determination to find Dimitri and free him from his current Strigoi condition? Does this have an impact on Rose's opinion of dhampir women in the community of Baia? Does this memorial service change Sydney's opinion of Rose and dhampirs in general?

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