Blood Promise Test | Final Test - Medium

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Promise Test | Final Test - Medium

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter 29, what promise does Lissa make Rose make to her before she leaves to meet Alberta?
(a) That Rose will never hide her romantic relationships again.
(b) That Rose will marry Adrian and stay close to Lissa.
(c) That Rose will never go on another adventure alone.
(d) That Rose will never go after someone dangerous alone again.

2. In chapter 28, what is the name of the spirit user whom Oksana says might have information on how to heal a Strigoi?
(a) Reed Lazar.
(b) Avery Lazar.
(c) Robert Doru.
(d) Victor Dashkov.

3. In chapter 29, who is the first person Rose visits on campus at St. Vlad's?
(a) Lissa.
(b) Eddie.
(c) Christian.
(d) Avery.

4. In chapter 18, why does Dimitri tell Rose he came to Siberia?
(a) To be somewhere familiar.
(b) To keep away from her.
(c) To find a friend.
(d) To see his family.

5. In chapter 30, to whom does Rose promise she will graduate from St. Vlad's?
(a) Lissa.
(b) Janine.
(c) Abe.
(d) Adrian.

Short Answer Questions

1. In chapter 27, for what reason is Lissa's spirit use inactive?

2. In chapter 24, how does Rose distract Dimitri when he comes to learn her decision about turning Strigoi?

3. In chapter 19, what does Rose say she fears the most about becoming Strigoi?

4. In chapter 29, where does Rose now consider home?

5. In chapter 26, from whom did Rose learn about ambushes?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter 22, what does Rose discover is going on with Lissa? What does Christian say to Lissa?

2. In chapter 19, what does Rose think of Dimitri's offer to turn her Strigoi? Why?

3. In chapter 20, why does Dimitri take Rose for a walk in Galina's gardens? How do the other Strigoi feel about this?

4. In chapter 21, who attacks Rose? How does Rose attempt to defend herself?

5. In chapter 23, what happens when Rose uses the mental bond to check in on Lissa again?

6. In chapter 30, who encourages Rose to re-enroll at St. Vladimir's Academy? What does this person think Rose can do with her education?

7. In chapter 23, what appears to happen to Dimitri when he holds the charmed ring Rose got from Mark?

8. In chapter 21, why does Dimitri tell Rose he refuses to turn her Strigoi against her will? What will Dimitri do if Rose will not commit to being turned Strigoi?

9. In chapter 29, what does Rose tell Lissa about her trip to Siberia?

10. In chapter 25, how does Rose escape the two doors that keep her locked in her prison room?

(see the answer keys)

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