Blood Promise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Promise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Richelle Mead
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter 15, who asks Lissa why she did not volunteer to go with Rose on her trip abroad?
(a) Christian.
(b) Avery.
(c) Jill.
(d) Mia.

2. What is Dimitri's nickname for Rose?
(a) Ro-Ro.
(b) Roza.
(c) Rosie.
(d) Rosemarie.

3. In chapter 17, why does Rose not stake Dimitri when given the chance?
(a) She wants him to turn her into a Strigoi.
(b) She hesitates when she recognizes him.
(c) She simply cannot do it.
(d) She wants to capture him.

4. In chapter 17, why does Adrian warn Lissa to take it easy with the alcohol?
(a) It could hurt her ability to control spirit.
(b) It could become gossip that will hurt her later.
(c) It could make her sick.
(d) It could cause her to do something dangerous.

5. In chapter 9, what does Rose drink at the memorial service?
(a) Fruit punch.
(b) Vodka.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Brandy.

6. In chapter 3, with whom has Lissa made a deal in order to go to a bigger college than the typical Moroi schools?
(a) Adrian Ivashkov.
(b) Tatiana, queen of the Moroi.
(c) Prince Nathan Ivashkov.
(d) Her parents.

7. In chapter 5, what kind of charm does Rose remind the reader Victor Dashkov placed Rose and Dimitri under the night he kidnapped Lissa?
(a) A healing charm.
(b) A lust charm.
(c) An anger charm.
(d) A memory loss charm.

8. In chapter 12, what nickname does Adrian use for Rose?
(a) Little dhampir.
(b) Little guardian.
(c) Roza.
(d) Rosie.

9. In chapter 6, in Rose's memory of caring for a cut on Dimitri's cheek, where does she tell the reader Dimitri got the injury?
(a) During a fight with a rose bush.
(b) From an angry lover.
(c) During guardian testing.
(d) From a fight with Rose.

10. In chapter 7, what does Rose reveal that Dimitri once told her about his grandmother?
(a) She is mean.
(b) She is suspicious of strangers.
(c) She practices dark magic.
(d) She is a witch of sorts.

11. In the prologue, who does Rose say told her that Dimitri had gone to Siberia after becoming Strigoi?
(a) Adrian.
(b) Dimitri himself.
(c) Lissa.
(d) Mason.

12. How many sisters does Dimitri have?
(a) Two.
(b) Four.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

13. In the prologue, what does Rose say her relationship is with Dimitri before the opening of this book?
(a) He was her mentor.
(b) He was her math teacher.
(c) They were best friends.
(d) They were lovers.

14. In chapter 2, who attacks Sydney as she approaches Rose in an alley?
(a) A Strigoi.
(b) A dhampir.
(c) A Moroi.
(d) A policeman.

15. In chapter 5, when does Rose tell the reader Dimitri admitted to obsessing over her in private even while trying to keep their relationship professional?
(a) The first time he kissed her.
(b) The day he was turned Strigoi.
(c) The night St. Vlad's was attacked by Strigoi.
(d) The day she turned eighteen.

Short Answer Questions

1. In chapter 4, what nickname did Rose often call Dimitri that now fills her with nostalgia and grief?

2. In chapter 5, what does Rose see Adrian attempting to teach Lissa back at St. Vlad's?

3. In chapter 16, what shocks Rose the most when she finds a Strigoi who knows Dimitri?

4. In chapter 12, where is Viktoria planning to go after the Easter holiday?

5. In chapter 9, for what reason does Rose tell Abe she came to Russia?

(see the answer keys)

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