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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who has translated much more of the book that was recovered from the Wizard's Keep?
2. Who is the prelate after Verna?
3. In whose face does Millie spit inside Verna's cell?
4. Who decides to use the sliph to travel?
5. Who confirms that Verna is not the false prelate by reading the prophecy?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why do Zedd and Gratch land on the Keep?
2. Why does Verna put a collar on Zedd?
3. Why does Ulicia feel that the world has ended when she reaches the palace after leaving the ship?
4. Why does Holly go out to play instead of helping her grandmother?
5. What does Zedd threaten to do if Verna does not remove the collar?
6. Why is Annalisa unable to open the journey book at the camp?
7. Why does Verna weep after Warren disappears?
8. Why does Richard help the Sisters of the Dark against Jagang?
9. What are Jebra's visions about Zedd and Kahlan?
10. Why is it hard to get into the Wizard's Keep?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Goodkind constantly brings up metaphors and imagery associated with strength. Give 3 examples of how strength is portrayed and characters who unexpectedly show great confidence.
Essay Topic 2
Many characters end up in strange worlds or alternate realities, suggesting the existence of a parallel universe of that of the Keeper. What are your thoughts on a parallel universe? Do you think one can exist? Can there be more than one? If so, are certain intersections or events predestined or does free will rule over all? What do you think might be happening in your parallel universe right now?
Essay Topic 3
Describe some of the settings for Blood of the Fold. What is the overall setting? How do these areas change over time? How is the Palace of the Prophets different from the depiction of Aydindril? Be sure to include geography, time period and any pertinent rituals or events. Why did Goodkind choose to use these places in Blood of the Fold?
This section contains 598 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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