Blood of the Fold Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood of the Fold Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Richard that he had bad dreams before Richard came, but now cannot remember the dreams?
(a) The Priest.
(b) The Keeper.
(c) The General.
(d) The Confessor.

2. When the women run out on the deck of the boat, why do the men on the boat leer at them?
(a) Because they are fat.
(b) Because they are drunk.
(c) Because they are late.
(d) Because they are naked.

3. What does Verna use to protect her office magically?
(a) A jewel.
(b) A journal.
(c) A shield.
(d) A fire.

4. Who is detained because of her knowledge about the Mother Confessor that she has not revealed in her interview?
(a) Camille.
(b) Ludmilla.
(c) An old woman.
(d) Gloria.

5. Who kills the duke in order to make it look like he was killed by mriswith?
(a) Sylvan.
(b) Richard.
(c) Verna.
(d) Tobias.

6. Who begins to attack Richard in the General's room?
(a) Women.
(b) Mriswith.
(c) D'Harans.
(d) Soldiers.

7. What does Verna realize when she returns to her office after visiting the undertaker?
(a) She broke up with her boyfriend Warren.
(b) Someone was snooping in her office.
(c) She is feeling very sad.
(d) She needs new friends.

8. Why does Tobias let his sister live?
(a) Out of pity.
(b) To control her magic.
(c) Out of fear.
(d) Out of joy.

9. What group were the women in the boat part of before they followed the dark master?
(a) Ulicia's group.
(b) Sisters of the Light.
(c) Sisters of the Dark.
(d) Richard's group.

10. Who lies to Richard, saying that he questioned people in the hopes that the Mother Confessor is alive in order to help her?
(a) Tobias.
(b) Serge.
(c) Warren.
(d) The General.

11. Who is the strongest of the women in the boat and becomes their leader?
(a) Jezebel.
(b) Michele.
(c) Marissa.
(d) Ulicia.

12. What does Verna say is being replaced by gold when the women in the town get pregnant with no repercussions?
(a) A father's love.
(b) A baby's milk.
(c) A mother's love.
(d) A child's health.

13. What does Richard use to fight his attackers in the General's room?
(a) His books.
(b) His legs.
(c) His fists.
(d) His sword.

14. When Verna goes to the private sanctuary, what does she find she needs to open and close the spell around?
(a) A letter.
(b) A key.
(c) The ring.
(d) A song.

15. Who does Richard make swear that they will protect Kahlan the same as they would him?
(a) The General.
(b) The Sisters.
(c) The Mord-Sith.
(d) The Followers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Tobias dream of?

2. When Richard goes out looking for Tobias, who ends up threatening him that was supposed to be protecting him?

3. Which creatures are allied against Richard and his quest?

4. Who is doing paper work as the prelate when Warren visits her to go see Sister Simona?

5. If Richard sits back and does nothing, who will be able to conquer the lands he is sworn to protect?

(see the answer keys)

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