Blood Brothers Test | Final Test - Hard

Elias Chacour
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Brothers Test | Final Test - Hard

Elias Chacour
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the world demand?

2. Why does Elias go to talk with the Roman Catholic sisters in Nazareth?

3. What does Elias do on Palm Sunday?

4. What other group does Elias address?

5. After his ordination, what does Elias receive?

Short Essay Questions

1. What assignment did Elias receive following his ordination and what was his first encounter like there?

2. What was Chacour ready to do in the One Link chapter and why didn't he?

3. What was the reality about the Palestinians that Elias had to face in the last 1960's?

4. What does Elias ask of the Jew, Westerners, and Arabs?

5. What did Elias continue to do after Palm Sunday and what did the sisters do?

6. What kind of church was Elias's first assignment and what did he vow?

7. How did Elias feel after researching the history of Palestine and Jews and why did he feel that way?

8. What happened about the massacre in question number 50?

9. What happened in another village because of Elias's intercession? What did Elias do when he was given a gift?

10. What was Biram like when Elias returned there from his time in Paris?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Upon Biram villagers settling in Gish and making attempts to live in the substandard remaining housing, the Irgun arrive and force all the men and older boys into trucks for delivery to some unknown location. This "cleansing" of Palestine for the Jewish state went almost unrecorded in the journalistic media of the day. Discuss the following:

1. How biased is the press in general? Are most journalists able to stay emotionally uninvolved? Why or why not.

2. What are some of the possible reasons the press ignores the actions of the Zionist and Irgun? Analyze each reason and discuss if the reason is valid.

3. Discuss one other example of "cleansing" that has taken place in the world. What are the similarities and differences from that which takes place in Palestine?

Essay Topic 2

The narrator of the book is Elias Chacour, who writes from his own point of view as he experiences and hears about events concerning the formation of the State of Israel and the ongoing conflict concerning the problems that arise out of that formation. Discuss the following:

1. What is meant by a reliable or unreliable narrator? Which do you think Elias is? Why?

2. What would Elias gain by skewing the story of his life? Do you think the gain would be worth the potential cost if he were to be proven to be inaccurate?

3. Is any narrator of a "true" story totally reliable? What factors might affect the reliability of any autobiographical writer including Elias?

Essay Topic 3

Michael Chacour began to realize that Elias, at age twelve, preeminently, was more spiritually oriented than the other children. Accordingly, when the Church Bishop visited, he requested assistance in locating a school for his youngest son. Discuss the following:

1. Do you think it is a positive step for Michael to send a twelve year old away from home for the purpose of schooling? What would be the advantages for Elias? The disadvantages?

2. If you or your child could not obtain the type of schooling you want while living with your family would you being willing to leave at age 12 or send your 12 year old away to school? Why or why not?

3. What are the goals that Michael has for Elias in going away to school? Do you think Elias fulfills those goals?

(see the answer keys)

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