Blood Brothers Test | Final Test - Medium

Elias Chacour
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Brothers Test | Final Test - Medium

Elias Chacour
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Elias's efforts in Ibillin not hugely successful?
(a) He receives no support from his Bishop.
(b) He is too pushy.
(c) The villagers are fearful.
(d) He is viewed with suspicion.

2. What does Israel do in retaliation?
(a) Executes any Egyptian citizens found in Jerusalem.
(b) Appeals to the United Nations.
(c) Sends thousand of Palestinian refugees into Egypt.
(d) Bombs Egypt and other Arab nations's ports.

3. What is disturbing to Elias about the Western Europeans' perspectives on the Palestinian issue?
(a) It is based on so little truth but is believed so strongly.
(b) It is so inaccurate.
(c) It is vastly divergent from his experience.
(d) It is so prejudicial in favor of the Jews.

4. With what is Elias temporarily elated?
(a) The new rights awarded native Palestinians.
(b) The success of the villagers at Ibillin.
(c) the march to the Knesset.
(d) The new awareness of the world to the Palestinian problem.

5. What other group does Elias address?
(a) The United Nations.
(b) Nations who engage in arms build-ups and proliferation.
(c) The common people of the world.
(d) The Arab nations around Israel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Biram like?

2. What event greatly increases support for the Zionist movement in Europe after WWII?

3. What is Elias read to do?

4. What does Elias learn when he is giving a speech in Germany?

5. What does the world demand?

Short Essay Questions

1. What had happened in Palestine by the time Elias returned there after his studies in Paris?

2. How did Elias feel after researching the history of Palestine and Jews and why did he feel that way?

3. What happened in another village because of Elias's intercession? What did Elias do when he was given a gift?

4. What does Chacour call upon the nations who war and why does he see it as an insult to God?

5. What was Bishop Raya's background and what was he determined to do?

6. What occurred during some of Elias's successes that set back the peace movement?

7. How was Palestine ruled until the end of World War I and then what happened?

8. What assignment did Elias receive following his ordination and what was his first encounter like there?

9. What was one of Elias's most acclaimed accomplishments mentioned in the chapter "Work, For the Night is Coming?"

10. Why does he consider the conflict in Israel so horrific?

(see the answer keys)

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