Blood Brothers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Elias Chacour
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Brothers Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Elias Chacour
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Christians who remain in Jerusalem continue to believe?
(a) That Jesus is a human with godlike qualities.
(b) That God designated Jerusalem as the city of salvation.
(c) That Jesus is God.
(d) That Jesus is a metaphor for how one should live.

2. Why do they end up in Paris?
(a) The French are interested in helping the native Palestinians regain their land.
(b) They are unable to go to their original destination.
(c) They are offered full scholarships to law school there.
(d) They want out of the Middle East and it is the only option at the moment.

3. Where do many of the villagers go?
(a) Iran.
(b) Haifa.
(c) The United States.
(d) Jerusalem.

4. What does Elias wonder about happiness?
(a) Why his friends who are not religious were happy.
(b) Why happiness is not important.
(c) How one could feel happy in poverty or grief.
(d) How a god that is unseen can give you happiness.

5. Why do the Arab villages through which the men of Biram travel offer no help?
(a) They think they are thieves.
(b) They think the Zionist deserve the land.
(c) They are afraid for their own safety.
(d) They have nothing to offer the men.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elias decide to do at the end of the chapter "Singled out?"

2. Who is David Ben Gurion?

3. Why do the Zionist landowners employ native Palestinians?

4. Why does Israel heed the United States's wishes?

5. Where do Elias and his friend Faraj decide to go?

Short Essay Questions

1. Under whose rule was Palestine since the 1930's, what kind of people was the population, how did they get along and how did the residents feel about themselves after World War II?

2. How did the other seminarians in Paris where Elias went to farther his education view the Palestinian situation and Palestinians in general?

3. Who are the Zionist soldiers battling in Palestine in the late 1940's and what is the result of those battles?

4. What did Elias realize about serving God as he neared graduation from seminary?

5. What did Elias see in Jesus and how did he feel about Jesus? How did Elias see his interaction with Jesus?

6. What happens in Palestine when the United Nations steps into the conflict?

7. How did Elias's teachers view him at the seminary and why?

8. Who was taken out of Gish from Elias's family and who was left?

9. What did the Zionist soldiers tell the people in Elias's hometown and how did they respond?

10. What did the Bishop suggest for Elias?

(see the answer keys)

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