Blood Brothers Test | Final Test - Easy

Elias Chacour
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blood Brothers Test | Final Test - Easy

Elias Chacour
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who verbally attacks Elias?
(a) The Zionist soldiers still in Ibillin.
(b) The Jewish settlers on a kibbitz near Ibillin.
(c) The man who is the "Responsible."
(d) His brothers who have become part of a liberation militia.

2. Who is killed at Sabra and Shatila?
(a) Elias' mother.
(b) Elias' sister.
(c) Elias' best friend.
(d) Hundreds of refugees.

3. What does Elias do on Palm Sunday?
(a) Asks the congregation to accept the Jewish settlement.
(b) Closes and chains the door to the church with everyone inside.
(c) Asks that those who do not want to be there leave.
(d) Confesses his sins to the congregation.

4. Who rules Palestine until the end of WWI?
(a) The Ottoman Empire.
(b) A group of independant tribes.
(c) There was no overarching ruler.
(d) The Russians and French share rule.

5. What are the secular Jews worried about as far as Zionism is concerned?
(a) That it would isolate Jews from the world and increase anti-Semitism.
(b) That it would make Judaism a culture rather than a religion.
(c) That it would commit as many wrongs as it rights.
(d) That it would become a terrorist organization.

6. After his ordination, what does Elias receive?
(a) His first assignment.
(b) A choice of things to do.
(c) A ring symbolizing his new life.
(d) His inheritance from his father.

7. With what do the Palestinians still struggle?
(a) Anger.
(b) Their desire for revenge.
(c) Basic survival.
(d) The need for validation.

8. Who is Thomas Herzl?
(a) The Zionist leader to whom Elias asks about Zionism.
(b) The leader of a faction of European Jews who want all Jews to move to Palestine.
(c) The founder of the Zionist movement.
(d) The leader of them moderate Jews opposed to Zionism.

9. Who acts as a little dictator?
(a) The one village elder still living.
(b) The Wife of the Responsible.
(c) The Greek Orthodox priest.
(d) The Responsible.

10. What does Elias call upon the Palestinians to do?
(a) Give the Jewish people a chance to redeem themselves.
(b) Stop the violence and martyrdom.
(c) Stop hating the Jews.
(d) Refuse to move off their lands any more.

11. How do the Christians in Ibillin feel?
(a) Angry.
(b) Optimistic.
(c) Hopeless.
(d) Indifferent.

12. Into what does the Fedayeen unite?
(a) The country of Palestine.
(b) The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO.)
(c) They have too many factions to unite.
(d) The United Palestine Liberation Militia (UPLM.)

13. What act by the Fedayeen worsens the situation terribly for Palestinians?
(a) Declaring a state of war.
(b) Killing the Prime Minister.
(c) Killing Jewish athletes in Munich.
(d) Setting off a bomb in a Jewish school and killing many children.

14. Who is involved in the problem Elias learns about while he is in Germany?
(a) Lebanese Christians and Israeli soldiers.
(b) They do not know.
(c) A banned sect of Irgun members.
(d) The regular Israeli soldiers conduct the killings.

15. What seems to be the goal of both sides of the Palestinian conflict?
(a) Justice.
(b) Revenge.
(c) Obliteration of one another.
(d) Peace.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Bishop Joseph Raya determined to do?

2. How long does Elias vow he will stay in Ibillin?

3. Why is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so horrible in Elias' eyes?

4. What does Elias ask of his congregation?

5. What starts appearing at the door to Elias' residence?

(see the answer keys)

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