Bliss Montage Test | Final Test - Medium

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Bliss Montage Test | Final Test - Medium

Ling Ma
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Marie's office in "Office Hours"?
(a) Cold Hallow.
(b) Godspeed Hall.
(c) Maning Hall.
(d) Mitchell Hall.

2. Who does the narrator begin spending a lot of time with in "Returning"?
(a) L.
(b) M.
(c) Y.
(d) K.

3. What does the professor show Marie shortly before he dies in "Office Hours"?
(a) The magical candle.
(b) The sea.
(c) The chamber to another dimension.
(d) The book.

4. Where do the narrator and her husband first meet in the story "Returning"?
(a) The library.
(b) A promotion circuit for their books.
(c) As neighbors.
(d) The farm.

5. What does the narrator's mother tell her she needs to be in the story "Peking Duck"?
(a) Tough.
(b) Gentle.
(c) Sly.
(d) Smart.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who always speaks first in the narrator's writing class in "Peking Duck"?

2. What book does the narrator write in "Returning"?

3. What does Marie do in the forest at the end of "Office Hours"?

4. What does the narrator prefer to drink when she regularly drinks in "Returning"?

5. What does the narrator do when she is first married in "Returning"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is one student's criticism of the narrator's story about the nanny in "Peking Duck"?

2. How does the narrator in "Returning" feel at her college reunion?

3. What does the older professor let Marie do in "Office Hours" in his office?

4. What does Peter tell the narrator he believes in when they get engaged in "Returning"?

5. Why does the narrator puzzle that her mother is able to teach her English in "Peking Duck"?

6. Why does the narrator realize she cannot leave the airport in "Returning"?

7. What is the purpose of the "Morning Ritual" in "Returning"?

8. In "Returning," what does the narrator realize when she wakes up on the plane?

9. In "Office Hours," what does the professor show Marie before he dies?

10. What does the narrator act like when she is first married to Peter in "Returning"?

(see the answer keys)

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