Bliss Montage Test | Final Test - Medium

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Bliss Montage Test | Final Test - Medium

Ling Ma
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What job does Marie eventually take in "Office Hours"?
(a) Lawyer.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Hospital administrator.
(d) Film professor.

2. What does the professor tell Marie shortly before he dies in "Office Hours"?
(a) He is ill.
(b) He has always loved her.
(c) He is divorced.
(d) He wants her to take care of his dog.

3. Why does the narrator have a hard time leaving the airport in "Returning"?
(a) She is too hungry.
(b) She does not have her passport or visa.
(c) Her leg is broken.
(d) She is sick.

4. Why is the narrator worried about Peter in the end of the story "Returning"?
(a) He is not breathing.
(b) His eyes are closed at first when they dig him up.
(c) He has drowned.
(d) He is not in the grave.

5. What does the narrator tell Y about the trip she is taking with her husband in the story "Returning"?
(a) It is an inexpensive trip.
(b) It is a belated honeymoon.
(c) It is a very expensive trip.
(d) It is a trip she really wants to go on.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Marie think might have led to her getting a tenure-track position in "Office Hours"?

2. What does the narrator's mother always drink in restaurants in "Peking Duck"?

3. What book does the narrator write in "Returning"?

4. Who first helps the narrator at the airline's service counter in "Returning"?

5. Where does the narrator go alone to meet old friends in the story "Returning"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the narrator eventually get out of the airport in "Returning"?

2. In "Office Hours," what conflicts does Marie have in her department?

3. In "Peking Duck," when does the narrator experience winter for the first time?

4. What does the older professor let Marie do in "Office Hours" in his office?

5. Why is Sean confused at the end of "Office Hours"?

6. What is Peter's novel, Homecoming, about?

7. What tradition do the narrator and Peter go to Garboza for in "Returning"?

8. What is one student's criticism of the narrator's story about the nanny in "Peking Duck"?

9. What is the narrator's reaction to Peter's gifting her the engagement ring in "Returning"?

10. Why does the narrator realize she cannot leave the airport in "Returning"?

(see the answer keys)

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