Bliss Montage Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

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Bliss Montage Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Ling Ma
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II, G - Yeti Lovemaking (49 - 86).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Beatrice tell Bonnie is her speciality in the story "G" when Bonnie complains that Beatrice waited a long time to tell her she was leaving?
(a) The robards.
(b) The picking dance.
(c) The French exit.
(d) The sea swim.

2. How does Beatrice "escape" her mother in the story "G"?
(a) By leaving the country.
(b) By getting married.
(c) By dropping out of college.
(d) By rebelling against her mother's principles.

3. What album did Adam once buy for the narrator in "Oranges"?
(a) Exile in Guyville.
(b) Beatles Greatest Hits.
(c) The White Album.
(d) White Pony.

4. Where is Beatrice living when the story "G" opens?
(a) New York City.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Chicago.
(d) Beijing.

5. How long does it take before people start feeling the effects of G?
(a) One day.
(b) 30 minutes.
(c) 2 hours.
(d) 15 hours.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Los Angeles," what does the burned-out sign say?

2. Why was G so hard to get in the present-day in the story "G"?

3. What is the narrator's second-favorite drug in the story "G"?

4. In "Los Angeles," how do the narrator and her husband sometimes get to fancy restaurants?

5. What does Beatrice say happens to your night vision while taking G?

(see the answer key)

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