Bliss Montage Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

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Bliss Montage Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Ling Ma
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II, G - Yeti Lovemaking (49 - 86).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Adam say his mother used to say about the narrator in "Oranges"?
(a) She would say the narrator would never have kids.
(b) She would praise the narrator.
(c) She would make racist comments about the narrator.
(d) She would never mention the narrator.

2. In "Los Angeles," what symbol does Ma use for all the husband's dialogue?
(a) $$$.
(b) *.
(c) #.
(d) @.

3. What is Adam's favorite fruit in "Oranges"?
(a) Apples.
(b) Bananas.
(c) Cherries.
(d) Oranges.

4. What does Beatrice say happens to your night vision while taking G?
(a) It stays the same.
(b) It gets worse.
(c) It gets sharper.
(d) It disappears entirely.

5. What begins to make Beatrice nervous in the story "G" near the end?
(a) She is feeling hungry.
(b) She is feeling euphoric.
(c) She is feeling rich.
(d) She is not forming back into solidity.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Los Angeles," who of the ex-boyfriends never talk?

2. Where did Aaron and the narrator of "Los Angeles" first meet?

3. What album did Adam once buy for the narrator in "Oranges"?

4. Who is Beatrice's ex-boyfriend in "G"?

5. How does Beatrice "escape" her mother in the story "G"?

(see the answer key)

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