Blindness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blindness Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Girl with Dark Glasses not realize?
(a) Her glasses have been stolen
(b) Her conjunctivitis is gone
(c) She is sleeping in the wrong bed
(d) Her hair has gone white

2. What pierces a blind man's leg as he searches the same supermarket as the Doctor's Wife?
(a) A splinter of glass
(b) A rotten fish bone
(c) A stray nail
(d) A sardine tin lid

3. What do the inmates do immediately after escaping the burning asylum?
(a) They group off and head into the city
(b) They search the guard's post for food.
(c) They scatter to the surrounding fields to make shelter
(d) They huddle together and sleep

4. What does each member of the sieging group carry with her?
(a) A rock
(b) A heavy stick
(c) A blade of glass
(d) A metal rod

5. What important item did the Doctor's Wife bring from the asylum?
(a) A lighter
(b) A compass
(c) The scissors
(d) Her keys

Short Answer Questions

1. Which ailment is not mentioned among those prevalent in quarantine?

2. What is the Doctor's Wife doing when the Thugs enter the first ward to mock the women?

3. What is the first useful item that the Doctor's Wife finds in the grocery storeroom?

4. Who gives the Squinting Boy half his/her portion of food?

5. What does the Girl with Dark Glasses leave on her parents' door to alert them that she's alive?

Short Essay Questions

1. In what state do the Doctor and his Wife find the Gaunt Old Woman when they approach her building?

2. Describe the Gaunt Old Woman that lives below the Girl with Dark Glasses' parents' apartment.

3. Describe the scene in the Thug's Ward immediately after the Doctor's Wife kills their leader.

4. How does the Writer go about writing without his sight?

5. What idea does the Doctor's Wife have when it starts raining?

6. What does the Doctor's Wife do when she sees her husband in bed with the Girl with Dark Glasses?

7. What is the Doctor's principle argument for now trying to stop his wife from going to the Thugs' ward?

8. What plan does the Doctor's Wife and her band of companions develop after the asylum burns down?

9. How do the Thugs take control of the food rations?

10. What is the general attitude in the other wards when food stops arriving at the main entrance?

(see the answer keys)

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