Blindness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blindness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Doctor say all of the country is dying from?
(a) Sadness
(b) Apathy
(c) Blindness
(d) Starvation

2. How many women from the second ward go to the Thugs?
(a) Seventeen
(b) Twelve
(c) Fifteen
(d) Ten

3. What does the Girl with Dark Glasses leave on her parents' door to alert them that she's alive?
(a) Her picture of them
(b) Her necklace
(c) A note dictated to the Doctor's Wife
(d) A lock of hair

4. What ridiculous suggestion does one inmate make after the Thugs steal the food rations?
(a) Asking the guards for more food
(b) Stealing the food back
(c) Asking to join the Thugs
(d) Calling the police

5. Who is the first woman from the first ward that the Leader of the Thugs rapes?
(a) The First Man's Wife
(b) The Girl with Dark Glasses
(c) The Doctor's Wife
(d) The Old Woman with Insomnia

6. Which is not an item the Doctor's Wife finds in her larder?
(a) Biscuits
(b) Dried fruit
(c) Honey
(d) A jar of preserves

7. Who constantly tries to convince the Girl with Dark Glasses to sleep with him?
(a) The First Man
(b) The Pharmacist's Assistant
(c) The Chronicler
(d) The Doctor

8. One of the Thugs is blind from birth - not from the epidemic. What is he called by his cohorts?
(a) The Accountant
(b) The Eyes
(c) The Boy Genius
(d) The Chronicler

9. Which of the following social niceties has not disappeared from society in this chapter?
(a) Private property
(b) Clothing
(c) Monogamy
(d) Private defecation

10. Who gives the Squinting Boy half his/her portion of food?
(a) The Girl with Dark Glasses
(b) The Doctor
(c) The Man with the Eye-Patch
(d) The Doctor's Wife

11. Which two characters are given sneakers rather than boots by the Doctor's Wife?
(a) The Girl with Dark Glasses and the First Man's Wife
(b) The Man with the Eye Patch and the Squinting Child
(c) The Doctor and the Girl with Dark Glasses
(d) The Man with the Eye-Patch and the First Man

12. What important item did the Doctor's Wife bring from the asylum?
(a) Her keys
(b) A compass
(c) The scissors
(d) A lighter

13. Who is reduced to tears by tasting the bottled water?
(a) The Squinting Child
(b) The Girl with Dark Glasses
(c) The First Man
(d) The Man with the Eye Patch

14. What does the Doctor's Wife hide in the Gaunt Old Woman's garden before leaving?
(a) A dead hen
(b) Her scissors
(c) The group's old clothes
(d) The Girl with Dark Glasses' key

15. On second glance, what does the Doctor's Wife notice the filthy blind lovers in the hall are doing?
(a) Grappling for food
(b) Crying
(c) Whispering to each other
(d) Holding hands

Short Answer Questions

1. During the several small insurrections against the Thugs mentioned in the beginning of Chapter 11, how many shots are fired?

2. What does the Doctor's Wife suggest to her husband she will do with the scissors?

3. Who takes control of the Leader's gun?

4. What happens for the first time in many days as the first ward is preparing to siege the Thugs?

5. What do the Thugs demand in Chapter 9 in exchange for food?

(see the answer keys)

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