Blind Alley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blind Alley Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Pietro Tatligno die?
(a) Pietro drown in the Quinn family lake.
(b) Pietro was in the same explosion that killed Guido.
(c) Pietro was murdered by Aldo.
(d) Pietro was killed in a car accident.

2. What is inside the coffin, giving it weight?
(a) Bags of sand.
(b) A skeleton.
(c) Rocks.
(d) Books.

3. To whom does Jane compare Trevor when she decides that she thinks he is a very handsome man?
(a) Joe.
(b) Bartlett.
(c) Antonio.
(d) Aldo.

4. In Jane's dream, who wants Cira dead and her face removed?
(a) Guido.
(b) Antonio.
(c) Aldo.
(d) Julius.

5. When Trevor strokes Jane's face, what does he say to her?
(a) "You're so beautiful."
(b) "You're so young."
(c) "You're so scared."
(d) "You're so intelligent."

6. Which of the following characters is NOT hired by Joe to protect Jane after police surveillance is suspended?
(a) Christy Lollack.
(b) Bartlett.
(c) A private security team.
(d) Trevor.

7. Where does Eve take Jane so that she can show off her ring?
(a) To church.
(b) To school.
(c) To the cinema.
(d) To the mall.

8. How does Jane lure Aldo out of the shadows of the vomitorium?
(a) By praying.
(b) By crying softly.
(c) By flirting with him.
(d) By taunting him.

9. Who phones Jane to say that he believes she has Cira's soul?
(a) Trevor.
(b) Antonio.
(c) Aldo.
(d) Guido.

10. What piece of jewelry does Aldo send to Jane in the mail?
(a) An earring.
(b) An anklet.
(c) A necklace.
(d) A ring.

11. In Jane's dream, what does Antonio have plans to steal from Cira?
(a) Her keys.
(b) Her gold.
(c) Her heart.
(d) Her fame.

12. What cartoon character does Jane think Bartlett reminds her of?
(a) Bart Simpson.
(b) Roger Rabbit.
(c) Charlie Brown.
(d) Winnie the Pooh.

13. In Jane's dream, why is Cira wanted dead?
(a) So that her husband can remarry.
(b) So that the world can share her riches.
(c) So that she will be immortalized.
(d) So that no one can possess her beauty.

14. What animal does Jane say will never scare her again after she encountered them regularly in the orphanages she lived in?
(a) Rats.
(b) Maggots.
(c) Bats.
(d) Cockroaches.

15. To what does Jane compare the cut of the stone while she is examining the ring under a lamplight?
(a) To a rock's edge.
(b) To a shattered bone.
(c) To a knife's blade.
(d) To a volcano's slope.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has Professor Herbert Sontag been working on Herculaneum?

2. How far away is the mailbox from Jane's house?

3. What is the name of the small child's skull that Eve is working on?

4. Where does the waitress that Aldo kills work?

5. Where does Trevor believe Aldo purchased the ring?

(see the answer keys)

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