Blind Alley Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Blind Alley Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jane feel about the accusation that she is manipulative?
(a) She is proud of her manipulative skills.
(b) She is confused by the accusation.
(c) She admits that the skill comes naturally to her.
(d) She is hurt by the belief that she is manipulative.

2. Besides the state that Janis' body was found in, what other state harbors a body that could be tied to Aldo after he leaves Georgia?
(a) Maine.
(b) Virginia.
(c) Connecticut.
(d) New York.

3. What is the occupation of the woman that Aldo kills in Maryland?
(a) She is a steel worker.
(b) She is a prostitute.
(c) She is a police cadet.
(d) She is a pediatrician.

4. What does Eve decide to name the woman whose skull she is reconstructing?
(a) Ruth.
(b) Esther.
(c) Rebecca.
(d) Martha.

5. While Eve is meeting with Christy, where does she receive a call that a new body has been found?
(a) Deep in the woods.
(b) At the lake.
(c) Buried in the desert.
(d) In the mountains.

6. What does Aldo view as a sign for his relationship with Jane?
(a) The color of Jane's hair.
(b) Where Jane lives.
(c) The way Jane walks.
(d) The sound of Jane's voice.

7. For what company was Joe working before he transferred to the detective job in Calhoun?
(a) For the FBI.
(b) For the Army.
(c) For the Green Berets.
(d) For the CIA.

8. What does Trevor bring with him when he travels to the United States?
(a) A photograph of the killer.
(b) The case files.
(c) His shiny gun.
(d) His dog, Buster.

9. Why does Joe believe Aldo is killing the women out of state?
(a) To fulfill his urge to kill.
(b) Becuase he is a monster.
(c) Because he is bored with waiting for Jane.
(d) As decoys in his pursuit of Jane.

10. What test is Jane encouraged to skip so that she can stay under the watchful protection of the police?
(a) French.
(b) Physics.
(c) Trigonometry.
(d) English Literature.

11. Which of the following is NOT one of the things that concerns Jane on a daily basis?
(a) Watching her dog, Toby.
(b) Drawing.
(c) Studying for her driving test.
(d) Dating boys and planning for prom.

12. As Aldo is watching Jane in the lake, what does he vow to do?
(a) Kill Jane.
(b) Leave Jane alone.
(c) Make Jane love him.
(d) Make Jane come to him.

13. What interesting communication is happening at Eve's house while Joe is away investigating?
(a) Mysterious emails.
(b) Hang-up phone calls.
(c) Unsigned letters arriving in the mail.
(d) Knocking at her back door.

14. Why does Joe admit to not wanting to tell Eve about the resemblance Jane has to Ruth?
(a) Because he doesn't want to worry Eve.
(b) Because he doesn't care about Jane's safety.
(c) Because he doesn't believe the resemblance was true.
(d) Because he doesn't want to interfere with Eve's work.

15. What is the last thing that Jane says to Joe as he heads out of the house with her composite sketch of Aldo?
(a) "I love you."
(b) "I hope he's not after you too."
(c) She gives Joe the silent treatment.
(d) "Be careful."

Short Answer Questions

1. When Jane wakes from her dream and reaches for a glass of water, what does she realize is missing from her bedroom?

2. How long does Trevor say that he would need alone with Aldo to ensure that he is killed?

3. What part of Trevor's body was broken when Guido exploded the tunnel?

4. Where does Jane find the note that Aldo has Toby?

5. Where does Jane suspect Aldo is from?

(see the answer keys)

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