Bless Me, Ultima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bless Me, Ultima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Tenorio rageful and threatening to harm Ultima?
(a) His second daughter is dying.
(b) He does not have a job.
(c) His dead daughter was not properly buried.
(d) He's having vision problems.

2. What sin did God commit for Florence?
(a) He gave him his sisters.
(b) He took his mother and father away when he needed them.
(c) He forced him to endure the children's Indian torture.
(d) He allowed his mother to drink and his father to die.

3. What do the Luna brothers ask Antonio's parents before they leave El Puerto?
(a) Antonio's mother could stay through winter.
(b) Antonio spend a summer working the land.
(c) Ultima stay to watch over Lucas.
(d) Antonio and Ultima could help their father.

4. Where will Antonio be spending his upcoming summer.
(a) With the Luna brothers in El Puerto.
(b) With Ultima walking the river.
(c) With his brothers in Santa Fe.
(d) With his father in the highway department.

5. What does Antonio accuse Pedro of doing to Ultima?
(a) Allow his sisters a ride in his truck.
(b) Allow Narcisco to leave El Puerto.
(c) Allow Maria to marry Gabriel.
(d) Allow Tenorio to pass judgment.

6. What happens to Horse during the Stations of the Cross?
(a) He vomits
(b) He screams
(c) He falls asleep.
(d) He hiccups

7. Why are the Marez family members excited to leave for El Puerto?
(a) It was the first time their father came with them.
(b) It was the first time they would see Lucas.
(c) It was the first time Ultima had journeyed with them.
(d) It was Antonio's first trip since meeting the golden carp.

8. What are the boys doing in walled portion of Blue Lake which they were forbidden?
(a) Swimming.
(b) Body surfing.
(c) Canoeing
(d) Diveing.

9. Who says "where there is no acknowledgment of guilt and penance done for wrong, there can be no forgiveness?"
(a) Samuel.
(b) Ultima.
(c) Maria.
(d) Gabriel.

10. What does Cico tell Tony he must do for himself?
(a) Decide how to bully Horse and Abel.
(b) Decide where to look for the golden carp.
(c) Decide whether or not to become a priest.
(d) Decide which pagan god to worship.

11. What does Tellez tell Gabriel about the time he ran into Tenorio in an El Puerto saloon?
(a) Tenorio planned to seek revenge for Gabriel.
(b) Tenorio planned to kidnap Antonio.
(c) Tenorio sought revenge for la Grande.
(d) Tenorio said insulting things to Tellez.

12. What does Antonio do every Saturday since Easter?
(a) Seek the golden carp.
(b) Receive communion.
(c) Go to confession.
(d) Pray the rosary.

13. Where is Tenorio hiding waiting to ambush Narcisco?
(a) Rosie's house.
(b) Town bar.
(c) Narcisco's garden.
(d) School playground.

14. What does Ultima's owl do to Tenorio?
(a) Knocks him off his horse.
(b) Rips his beard from his face.
(c) Plucks the whiskey bottle from his hand.
(d) Gouges his one eye with its talons.

15. What is the coroner's ruling of Narcisco's death?
(a) Accidential or self-inflicted.
(b) Genocide.
(c) Homicide.
(d) Infanticide.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Tenorio seeking revenge from Ultima in Chapter 14?

2. What starts to fall from the roof outside of Tellez home?

3. What does Antonio do before cutting into a live tree?

4. What question does Antonio have about God?

5. What are mortal sins?

(see the answer keys)

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