Bleak House Test | Final Test - Medium

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Bleak House Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Tulkinghorn tells a story that reveals ___________.
(a) His own political views.
(b) Mr. Guppy's whereabouts.
(c) The ruination of England.
(d) Lady Dedlock's secret.

2. Esther and Mr. Guppy agree that his earlier marriage proposal ___________.
(a) Is null and void.
(b) Was disingenuous.
(c) Was doomed.
(d) Was based on money.

3. Esther is afraid that Miss Barbary rejected Boythorn because ___________.
(a) She was in love with Mr. Jarndyce.
(b) She had someone better in mind.
(c) Esther made her leave him
(d) She needed to raise Esther for her sister.

4. The childish Mr. Skimpole was paid five pounds ___________.
(a) By Mr. Jarndyce to stay away from Richard.
(b) By Esther to keep Richard away from the lawsuit.
(c) By Richard for introducing him to Mr. Vhole.
(d) From Leicester as wages.

5. Mr. Woodcourt wants to help ___________.
(a) Jo and Richard.
(b) Jo and Jenny.
(c) Esther and Mr. Jarndyce.
(d) Tom's All-alone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Richard is again obsessed with ___________.

2. George is thought to have ___________.

3. Bucket may figures out that Tulkinghorn's murderer is ___________.

4. The debts of Bagnet and George will be forgiven if they ___________.

5. Mr. Jarndyce turns Esther over to Woodcourt and again becomes ___________.

(see the answer keys)

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