Bleak House Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Bleak House Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Seeing Lady Dedlock has the effect of ___________.
(a) Agitating Esther.
(b) Making Esther want to bow down.
(c) Raising Esther's spirits.
(d) Escalating Esther's sense of humor.

2. The High Chancellor Mr. Tulkinghorn, serves as ___________.
(a) Solicitor for Lady Dedlock and Sir Leicester.
(b) A leading priest in the church.
(c) The judge of the district court.
(d) A traveling justice of the peace.

3. Tom-all-alone's is a place where ___________.
(a) Lady Dedlock takes tea.
(b) Jo resides.
(c) Leicester resides.
(d) Jo has raised a family.

4. Jarndyce and Jarndyce is the ___________.
(a) A story that is passed down through the generations.
(b) Longest running lawsuit in the Chancery.
(c) A boring and tedious set of treaties.
(d) A huge book with questionable copyrights.

5. Finding Nemo dead, Krook proceeds to ___________.
(a) Steal all of Nemo's food supplies.
(b) Find another renter.
(c) Steal Nemo's paperwork.
(d) Cancel Nemo's lease.

Short Answer Questions

1. The subject of Jarndyce and Jarndyce involves ___________.

2. Prince Turveydrop's profession is that of ___________.

3. What is the Man From Shrophsire's basic problem?

4. Mr. Jarndyce wants Richard to ___________.

5. What has become of the inheritance which is the issue of the Jarndyce lawsuit?

Short Essay Questions

1. What purpose does it serve having Lady Dedlock take a shine to the lovely new maid, Rosa?

2. Is Mr. Guppy appropriately named? Why, or why not?

3. How did Gerge get so embroiled in the plot of this story? What is his role?

4. How does Jo affect Dickens' story? Is he a sympathetic character?

5. What is the reader's impression of detective Bucket? How does Dickens accomplish his portrayal of Bucket?

6. What makes Lady Dedlock's past such a dreaded secret? Why do they go to such lengths to hide it and why is it threatening to have it revealed by Tulkinghorn?

7. It seems curious that Dickens' characters tend to go to certain places for no apparent reason, such as Jarndyce agreeing to visit Neckett's place. In any case, a curious theme that seems to resurface is the neglect of children. Discuss your ideas about why Dickens continues to bring up this theme.

8. Who is Mr. Vholes in this story? What is his role in Richard's life?

9. Why does Mr. Guppy so easily agree that his marriage proposal to Esther is now moot?

10. Discuss Krook's Rag and Bottle Shop? Is he a good businessman? Is there anything symbolic about the shop?

(see the answer keys)

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