Bleak House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Bleak House Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Boythorn has property issues with ___________.
(a) Lady Dedlock.
(b) Mr. Jarndyce.
(c) Rouncewell's grandson.
(d) Sir Leicester.

2. A developing theme implies that ___________.
(a) Love is all we need.
(b) People cannot see the forest for the trees.
(c) Justice reigns supreme.
(d) The human condition is healthy and thriving.

3. Miss Flite's primary interest is in ___________.
(a) Jarndyce & Jarndyce.
(b) Birds.
(c) Rags.
(d) Bottles.

4. Tulkinghorn informs Lady Dedlock that ___________.
(a) Nemo was a good man.
(b) She should have stayed in Paris.
(c) The writer of the affidavit is dead.
(d) Hortense is a lesser maid.

5. Mr. Guppy suggests to Lady Dedlock that ___________.
(a) Perhaps she is Esther's twin sister.
(b) He suspects there is a family mixup.
(c) There is a resemblance between her and Esther.
(d) He thinks she is Esther's grandmother.

6. What has become of the inheritance which is the issue of the Jarndyce lawsuit?
(a) It has been distributed among relatives.
(b) It has been siezed by the lawyers.
(c) It has been consumed by costs.
(d) It never existed.

7. Richard decides to be a lawyer because ___________.
(a) He is truly talented in the law.
(b) He wants to extort money from Kenge.
(c) It's the only thing he knows.
(d) He wants to get involved in Jarndyce & Jarndyce.

8. The city of London seems wrapped in a blanket of ___________.
(a) Sunshine.
(b) Fog.
(c) Rain.
(d) Smog.

9. Young Ada tells Esther she wants to marry ___________.
(a) Mr. Guppy.
(b) Mr. Jarndyce.
(c) Mr. Prince Turveydrop.
(d) Richard.

10. Richard moves into a new apartment near ___________.
(a) Lincolnshire.
(b) Bleak House.
(c) Mr. Kenge's.
(d) Queen Square.

11. Morbury Dedlock's wife will haunt the Dedlock house ___________.
(a) Until Mrs. Rouncewell's sons return.
(b) Until the Dedlock family leaves the house.
(c) Until Watt and Rosa marry.
(d) Until the family becomes humble.

12. John Jarndyce explains to Esther that ___________.
(a) Her mother was also her aunt.
(b) She had been adopted by her aunt.
(c) She was an orphan he found.
(d) Her aunt had raised her in secrecy.

13. Misinterpreted by Guppy, Tulkinghorn states that he feels Gidley is ___________.
(a) Honest.
(b) Congenial.
(c) Creepy.
(d) Dangerous.

14. Bringing flowers to Esther, Caddy implies ___________.
(a) That the nosegay is a hint of spring.
(b) That the flowers are a warning.
(c) That the flowers are a second set from Prince.
(d) That the flowers were left by someone for Esther.

15. What is Mr. Turveydrop's response to his son's impending wedding ___________.
(a) He is enraged and will annul the marriage.
(b) He plans to live with the couple and be supported.
(c) He is please to welcome Caddy into the family.
(d) He wishes they would take their time.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mr. Skimpole is ___________.

2. Mr. Jarndyce is the ___________.

3. The reader recognizes that Jo's visitor was actually ___________.

4. Esther's attitude toward Jarndyce is one of ___________.

5. Regarding his career, Richard seems ___________.

(see the answer keys)

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