Black Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Richard tell his black comrade he does for a living?
(a) Writes books
(b) Empties bins
(c) Sweeps roads
(d) Boxes

2. Why does Richard wait two days before his departure to tell his boss that he is leaving?
(a) To annoy him
(b) To help him find someone else
(c) To minimize the fricton
(d) To get more money

3. What does Richard refuse to accept from a white customer?
(a) Food
(b) A present
(c) Money
(d) Drink

4. What political party are many of Richard's friends members of?
(a) The Communist party
(b) The Fascist party
(c) The Black Panthers
(d) The Democratic party

5. What does Richard think he needs to build a bridge of?
(a) Words
(b) Love
(c) Freedom
(d) Variety

6. Who throws Richard out of the May Day parade?
(a) Two black Communists
(b) Two white Communists
(c) The mayor
(d) Security guards

7. What event causes Richard to lose a lot of his hours at the post office?
(a) The Great Depression
(b) The First World War
(c) The Second World War
(d) The Vietnam War

8. What does Richard say the dogs do silently when they regain consciousness?
(a) Whine
(b) Eat
(c) Bark
(d) Howl

9. What is Matther's nickname?
(a) Screw loose
(b) Doctor
(c) Shorty
(d) Professor

10. What city does Richard arrive at in this chapter?
(a) New York
(b) Los Angeles
(c) Memphis
(d) Chicago

11. What is the name of Richard's new landlady?
(a) Miss Taylor
(b) Jackie
(c) Mrs. Moss
(d) Bess

12. What does Yound accuse Swann of being?
(a) A journalist
(b) A Fascist
(c) A police collaborator
(d) A government spy

13. Whose work does Wright want to read?
(a) Twain's
(b) Mencken's
(c) Baldwin's
(d) Faulkner's

14. Who is the only person among Richard's family in Chicago who does not fall ill?
(a) Richard
(b) Alan
(c) Ellie
(d) Maggie

15. What does Richard say he wants his bridge of words to connect with?
(a) The outside world
(b) The black world
(c) The inside world
(d) The white world

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Richard work with restless boys?

2. Where does Richard move to?

3. What role does Richard get at the Federal Relief Theater?

4. What religion is Falk?

5. What is the name of the John Reed Club magazine?

(see the answer keys)

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