Black Wind Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Wind Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Raul Biazon?

2. Who picks up Dirk and Summer to take them back to America?

3. What country does the Baekje go to?

4. What was smallpox known as by the ancient Aztecs?

5. What is the Japanese Red Army?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Admiral Sandecker and his role in Chapter 31.

2. What is the combination of toxins used in the chemical/biological weapon described in Chapter 32?

3. How do Dirk and Sarah escape the thugs in the Cadillac in Chapter 18?

4. What do Dirk and Dahlgren discover about the I-403 in Chapter 9?

5. What are Kang and those on board the Sea Rover looking for in Chapter 22?

6. Where was it supposed that stocks of smallpox virus were stored, as cited in Chapter 15?

7. Describe what happens to Robert Bridges in Chapter 7.

8. What do Dirk Pitt, Sr., and Al Giordino do in response to Raul Biazon's request in Chapter 12?

9. What do Dirk and Summer discover has happened as they return from their exploration of the I-411 in Chapter 27?

10. Why does Tanaka lie to Commander Ogawa in the introduction when Ogawa asks if his crew is in danger in the book's introduction?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Virtually all of Black Wind takes place either above, on the surface of, or under the sea. It is obviously an environment Cussler feels comfortable with. Discuss whether or not the sea itself could be considered a character in the book, whether it is benign or threatening, how the characters relate to it, and if the story be told in some fashion on dry land. Consider, too, if the sea could act as a symbol. If so, what might it be symbolic of?

Essay Topic 2

In an action novel, it might be tempting for the reader to skip over the "boring" parts to get to the "good parts." How well do the Cusslers perform the writer's task of pacing a novel? Discuss the pace of the novel, noting if it is successful in keeping the reader engaged through the "slow" parts, and whether or not the action sequences are well-staged and understandable. Use specific sections or setpieces in the novel to support your contentions. Note, too, any tricks of the writer's trade the Cusslers employ to keep the pages turning.

Essay Topic 3

Dirk Pitt, Jr., is the hub of several relational spokes. Dirk Jr. relates to his father, his sister, his girlfriend, his sidekick, even his enemy. Choose five of Dirk's relationships, and explore them by comparing and contrasting those relationships to each other. Evaluate how Dirk's relationship with each of them shows a different facet of his nature and personality. Explain how persuasive and believable these relationships are.

(see the answer keys)

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